On 2014-08-23 22:59, Larry McVoy wrote:
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 03:32:45PM -0400, Clem
Cole wrote:
BEGIN - old guy's memories ....
I see your old guy memories and "raise" my sort of old guy memories.
This is a bell labs blit story. It relies heavily on 7 bit clean stuff.
I'm not entirely sure this ever worked reliably but here is what we did.
I was a grad student at UW Madison and shared an office with
another guy. We
had a serial line to the computing center across
the street. We
had a blit,
loved it. We wanted two.
Any chance, you still have any software for the BLIT?
Nope, all we were doing was muxing a serial line and that was 8051 assembler.