From: Jason Stevens
apparently cisco used them as well but
'borrowed' someone's RTOS design
as the basis for IOS? There was some lawsuit and Stanford got cisco
network gear for years for free but they couldn't take stock for some
I don't know the whole story, but there was some kind of scandal; I vaguely
recall stories about 'missing' tapes being 'found' under the machine
raised floor...
The base software for the Cisco multi-protocol router was code done by William
(Bill) Yeager at Stanford (it handled IP and PUP); I have a vgue memory that
his initially ran on PDP-11's, like mine. (I think their use of that code was
part of the scandal, but I've forgotten the details.)
From: Tom Lyon
the design ... relied on CAD tools only extant on the
Stanford PDP-10.
Sounds like SUDS?