Hi All.
The following diff is necessary to use GCC on a linux system.
(Anyone know what gcc's builtin `conj' function is? Beats me.)
Warren, you might want to fix that last line in the archive version
of the file.
*** fest.c.dist Wed Feb 26 23:51:49 2003
--- fest.c Thu Feb 27 14:02:55 2003
*** 1223,1229 ****
static char *conjlist[] = {"and", "but", "yet",
"and", "and"};
! conj(env)
E env;
X v = getxx();
--- 1223,1229 ----
static char *conjlist[] = {"and", "but", "yet",
"and", "and"};
! conjugate(env)
E env;
X v = getxx();
*** 1306,1312 ****
} else if (prob(2 * T)) {
v->list.x[i++] = turgid(env);
v->list.x[i++] = comma(env);
! v->list.x[i++] = conj(env);
v->list.x[i++] = sent(env);
} else if (prob(1.5 * T)) {
v->list.x[i++] = lconjsub(env);
--- 1306,1312 ----
} else if (prob(2 * T)) {
v->list.x[i++] = turgid(env);
v->list.x[i++] = comma(env);
! v->list.x[i++] = conjugate(env);
v->list.x[i++] = sent(env);
} else if (prob(1.5 * T)) {
v->list.x[i++] = lconjsub(env);
*** 1327,1333 ****
if (eqn && prob(.5)) {
v->list.x[i++] = equation(env);
v->list.x[i++] = comma(env);
! v->list.x[i++] = conj(env);
v->list.x[i++] = sent(env);
} else
--- 1327,1333 ----
if (eqn && prob(.5)) {
v->list.x[i++] = equation(env);
v->list.x[i++] = comma(env);
! v->list.x[i++] = conjugate(env);
v->list.x[i++] = sent(env);
} else
*** 1644,1647 ****
label[j++] = '"'; label[j] = '\0';
- /GO.SYSIN DD fest.c
\ No newline at end of file
--- 1644,1646 ----