Currently when I boot, I start off with my terminal
set to 19,200 baud
8-N-1 but once BSD has booted I have to switch to 19,200 7-E-1
The hardware runs on
8-bit clean channels. Most UNIX kernels
kinda prefer to use 7e1 or 7o1.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I fix
it so
the setting remains on 8-N-1? (stty?)
Once you're logged in to the system,
type "stty -parenb bits8" or
"stty -parenb cs8" or "stty -parenb 8" to go back to 8-bit mode.
Then reset your terminal program again :)
Also, if I can't fix this, will vtserver/vtc run
on 7-E-1 comms?
Nope. VTc requires an 8-bit clean channel (for now).