I have to admit that these are nice images. However what's the default
or root password for the NetBSD image? There are somethings I want to
try using it, and as it happens without that I can not get in. It also
requires that I change things inside it to match my network, but
that's of secondary importance as it happens.
Also you should actually compress each image using either the gzip or
bzip2 programs. Of the two I suggest the bzip2 one.
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8(a)gmail.com
"This signature was once found posting rude
messages in English in the Moscow subway."
On 8/11/06, Jose R. Valverde <jrvalverde(a)cnb.uam.es> wrote:
I made (some time ago) a copy of many of the images
I've been using
on my FTP. Among them a working image of ultrix-3.1:
I now see I've run out of disk space, so I'll have to move a lot of
things to a new disk any time soon now which might cause momentary
lapses in accessibility. Other than that, once the space problem is
fixed, I'll post as well a modification to the tape-to-file program
I made for my own use which works like a charm.
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:49:46 -0400
"Madcrow Maxwell" <madcrow.maxwell(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I downloaded the tape building kit of Fred's
enhanced Ultrix 3.1 and
set about trying to build an image file suitable for use with SIMH. As
simply modifying the included script to write to a normal file instead
of a (non-existant) tape device failed, I tried doing things by hand,
running maketape and then "cat"ing the file it created along with all
the other files "dd"ed by the script into a single file. While this
produced a file that looked about the right size, it didn't work with
SIMH as mounting it to the emulated TK50 device and booting produced:
HALT instruction, PC: 016300 (CLR R3)
Any help on how to get a working image available so that my nerdy
history project can proceed?
Mike "Madcrow" K.
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