Sure, go ahead. I hope I will have more soon.
On 14/06/23, segaloco wrote:
Angelo, do you mind if I mirror these disassembles
into my repository? That's where I'm (very
slowly) accumulating the results of mt own disassembly efforts on the V2 binaries. Bonus
points if you raise a PR, but I can make sure you get a shout-out in the Readme or
something otherwise. Thanks for digging deeper where I haven't found the time.
- Matt G.
------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 at 1:03 PM, Angelo Papenhoff <aap(a)> wrote:
> After writing this mail I actually started reversing the B binaries.
> You can find them here:
> I did find some differences in versions of the B runtime and library.
> Especially interesting was an implementation of the cksto routine
> in su and stty that checks whether an address in an assignment is in a
> reasonable range ("LV out of range" error if not)
> What is perhaps interesting historically is that the su binary contains
> a hardcoded password ^Q^R^S^T, which is not printable for a good reason:
> it is given as a command line argument.
> I will hopefully continue with this in the next time (if, goto, mail and
> glob are left).
> Best,
> aap