On 5/10/18 12:53 AM, Grant Taylor via TUHS wrote:
On 05/09/2018 09:51 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
What are they to begin with? Having run some
"major" UUCP hubs in the
day, I have no clue what a UUCP "bag" is ...
I see them in the context of Usenet via UUCP, so rnews.
Yes. Bag files are a file format used to transfer news via uucp,
popularized by dnews. I think they originated with satellite news
"Setting up a UUCP feed into DNEWS
addsvc -del dposter
addsvc -add dposter dposter.exe "dposter -dir c:\uucp\in -to news.here.com"
This will search for files called *.bag in the directory c:\uucp\in
and after processing them it will delete them. It's your job to write
a batch script to get the files in this directory and uncompress them
if necessary.
You may also need to add ihave access to your own machine:
The BAG/UUCP file format is:
#! rnews nnnn
...(article, exactly nnnn bytes, counting each end of line as one byte)
#! rnews nnnn
...(next article)...
Setting up a UUCP feed out of DNEWS
In newsfeeds.conf add a feed, e.g.
site site1.name.uucp
groups *
Add a service (or process to run xmit and dposter)
addsvc -add dxmit1 xmit.exe "dxmit1
site.name.edu -at *5 * -uucp
c:\dnews\site1 "
This will create files called news000n.bag in the directory
It's your job to uucp copy these to the destination sites, and delete them.
If you want you can compress them first. :-)
The format of the file is:
#! rnews nnnn
...(article, exactly nnnn bytes, counting each end of line as one byte)
#! rnews nnnn
...(next article)..."
``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, UTech, CWRU chet(a)case.edu