On 30 July 2015 at 17:11, Norman Wilson <norman(a)oclsc.org> wrote:
> My vague memory is that the original make, e.g. in V7, printed
> `Don't know how to make love.' This was not a special case:
> `don't know how to make XXX' was the normal message.
> There was a variant make that printed
> Not war?
> if asked to make love without explicit instructions. I thought
> that appeared in 3BSD or 4BSD, but I could be mistaken.
On Solaris 10, /usr/css/bin/make reports:
make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `love'
My vague memory is that the original make, e.g. in V7, printed
`Don't know how to make love.' This was not a special case:
`don't know how to make XXX' was the normal message.
There was a variant make that printed
Not war?
if asked to make love without explicit instructions. I thought
that appeared in 3BSD or 4BSD, but I could be mistaken.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
I recall playing with this on the -11, but it seems to have become extinct
(the program, I mean). I seem to recall that it was written in PDP-11
assembly; did it ever get rewritten in C?
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer"
"The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of
roughly a factor of two per year." -- G.Moore, Electronics, Vol 38 No 8, 1965
> The punning pseudonym, the complaint at the end that Unix and C are dead
> and nothing is even on the horizon to replace them, and the general snarky
> tone suggest to me that it's Rob "Mark V. Shaney" Pike. In that case,
> the affiliation with Bellcore is a blind ("not Goodyear, Goodrich").
VSM, MVS: what other mystery authors in Unix land identify thus with VMS?
I authored those files so I could render the Seventh Edition manuals
as PDF in 1998 (long after I had departed the Labs). As pic did not
exist yet (Kernighan had not written it) there were never any
original pic files for these documents. I do not know what 1127 was
doing to publish diagrams at the time.
The Bell logo I did directly in postscript so \(bs would render. The logo
was originally it's own custom "character" just like an A, B or C, on the
phototypesetter's optical font wheel.
You can see what they look liked from the v7 PDF manuals --
In Volume 2A (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/7thEdMan/v7vol2a.pdf)
bs.ps is on variety of pages such as 129, 130, 216
ms.pic is on page 127
make.ps is on page 282
In Volume 2B (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/7thEdMan/v7vol2b.pdf)
implfig1.pic is on page 162
implfig2.pic is on page 168
these are the PDF page numbers (where the title is page 1)
> From: Mark Longridge <cubexyz(a)gmail.com>
> I came across some Unix files in v7add such as bs.ps for the Bell logo
> and ms.pic (described as Figure 1 for msmacros).
> http://www.maxhost.org/other/ms.pic
> I was wondering if there was some viewer or conversion program so we
> could look at pic files from this era?
> Mark
I came across some Unix files in v7add such as bs.ps for the Bell logo
and ms.pic (described as Figure 1 for msmacros).
I was wondering if there was some viewer or conversion program so we
could look at pic files from this era?
Peter Salus noted there was workshop in Newport, RI, in 1984 concerning
"Distributed UNIX." The report on “Distributed UNIX” by Veigh S. Meer [a
transparent pseudonym] appeared in /;login:/ 9.5 (November 1984), pp.
5-9. So who was "Veigh S. Meer"? The affiliation says "Bellcore," but
who was there in 1984? Peter's first thought was Peter Langston.
Any ideas?
Dave Horsfall:
Call me slow, but can someone please explain the joke? If it's American
humo[u]r, then remember that I'm British/Australian...
There is no such thing as American humour, because Yanks don't know
how to spell.
They can't get the wood either.
Norman Wilson
(reformed Yank)
Toronto ON
When I get back to a keyboard I thought maybe it would be nice to share
some Greg stories, I have enough of them. So I'll try and do that.
If anyone wants to do that in person, USENIX ATC is next
week and would be an appropriate venue. Perhaps a Greg
Chesson Memorial BOF?
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON