How are y'all? And greetings from the piney woods of south Georgia.
If anybody wants to help get an Internet innovator into the Internet Hall
of Fame, please drop me a note at jsqmobile(a) No rush; deadline is
tomorrow. He's not a Unix person, but you'll recognize him. Hint: early ISP.
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Arthur Krewat <krewat(a)> wrote:
> So what I'm hearing is Linux's timeline, which includes things that were
> not developed just for Linux, extends further out than SunOS does.
​Mumble... the problem of course is the under those rules, SunOS goes back
to research which goes back to V0....
> ​...​
> All I'm saying is comparing Linux's timeline to something like SunOS has
> to include everything that went into both because they both relied on
> precursors.
Except for any possible legal reasons....​why differentiate ? Looks like a
Duck, Quacks Like Duck or from a Turing Test.... I'm mostly can not tell
the difference.
> Side note: I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to Linux - which doesn't
> mean I don't think Linux is "UNIX" - it just means I think it's the
> Coherent of today's UNIX ;)
​I guess it doesn't matter to me that much. Some of the changes are
gratuitous and annoying, which brings out my inner curmudgeon as its make
its tough to type to sometimes. But the fact is, UNIX, Linux, Macos are
pretty much the same thing - much more so than winders. They are way more
similar than different and I can be productive with all three. To me its
like ethnicity in people. It says a little about some of how you might
look at something, what some of you shared positions/starting points are,
but we are way more alike than different and I would rather learn from the
differences than fight them or try to inflict my wishes. We are better
with diversity.
> From: Clem Cole
> rms had access to Masscomp b= ox we gave him fairly early on.
> ...
> I'm sure the MC-500 was not the first 68000 he had access. I think he
> was using HW in Steve Ward's lab that the Trix guys were developing
> with TI and he might have had access to an Apollo system.
> ...
> Noel do you remember how that went down?
Sorry, no. From the end of '82 to early '84 I was out of the US, waiting for
my permanent residency to come through, so I missed a chunk of events in that
time period. Maybe one of the DSSR/RTS (Steve Ward, or someone) could clarify
what access RMS had to their 68K machines?
Nice thing about X was that it would talk to remote displays. I still remember sitting in the Pentagon demonstrating that the Suntools screen lock wasn't particularly secure.
Then there was NeWS. This was Gosling's first attempt at a deployable language. However PostScript (even with Owen Densmore's class extensions), while a reasonable intermediary language is really sucky to actually develop. Java was a bit more refined.
Of course, lots of things either implement X under the native window system or backdoor X with local extensions. We got around doing high frame rate image work on X via the SharedMemoryExtension and the ability to flip buffers on the retrace interval (both extensions, but commonly implemented by many servers).
Allowing more or less arbitrary attachments was a real convenience.
But allowing such stuff to serve as the message proper was
dubious at best. Not only did it require recipients to obtain
special software to read some messages; it also posed a
security threat.
I still use mailx precisely because it will only display plain text.
With active text such as HTML, it is all too easy to mistakenly
brush over a phishing link. Outfits like Constant Contact do their
nonprofit clients a disservice by sending stuff that I won't even
peek at. And it's an annoying chore when companies I actually want
to deal with send receipts and the like in (godawful) HTML only.
I think this was supposed to go public...
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 11:39:45 +0000
From: Steve Simon <steve(a)>
To: dave(a)
Subject: Re: [TUHS] attachments: MIME and uuencode
I still actively fight office. I wrote docx2troff and xlsx2txt.
The former can extract txt or troff source from modern (DOCX / OPC) document
as can the latter though, by their nature excel tables don't map well to tbl(1).
These are written for plan9 and so the libraries are a bit different,
but they could be ported to unix without too much pain.
Shout if anyone is interested.
As I go to bed, I wonder. Which was the earliest system that used uucp to
send mail through multiple systems to a remote user?
I see V7 has uucp/sdmail.c, but the comment says: This is only implemented
for local system mail at this time. Ditto 32V and 3BSD.
4BSD has delivermail. Its uucp has a README which says: The ``mail'' command
has been modified, so that it may only be used to send mail, when it is
invoked under a name beginning with 'r'. 3BSD has the same uucp.
Ah, but 32V's mail.c checks for 'r':
and so does V7:
So I guess I've just answered my question. It also looks like delivermail
from 4.1BSD could compile on V7, so it might be fun to try and bring a
V7 system up on uucp+mail. But will it (delivermail?) do bang paths?!
Cheers, Warren
I just heard from a historian named Piotr Klaban with an interesting
historical sidelight.
Apparently today 3/11/17 is being publicized as the 25th anniversary of
the email attachment, citing Nat Borenstein's MIME. Piotr points out
that uuencode predates MIME, and he's right.
I checked and, while I don't have any email archives from that time
frame at Berkeley, I was able to find the 4BSD archive on minnie that
dates the uuencode.1c man page at 6/1/80. We didn't call them
attachments back then, just sending binary files by email. (Prior to
then it was common to just include the text of the file raw in the
email, which only worked for ASCII files.) It was a few years later
when cc:Mail and Microsoft Mail started calling uuencoded files embedded
in email "attachments".
When MIME came out in 1992 I became a champion of SMTP/MIME as a
standard - it was a big improvement. But uuencod predated MIME by 12 years.
Mary Ann
> From: Doug McIlroy
> Allowing more or less arbitrary attachments was a real convenience. But
> allowing such stuff to serve as the message proper was dubious at
> best.
Sorry, I'm not sure I'm completely clear what you mean there? Do you mean
'non-ASCII-text objects were processed by the mail system without being told
to do so explicitly, by the user'? That, combined with the below, is indeed a
> it also posed a security threat.
The problem isn't really so much the ability to have attachments, as that
people defined attachment types with open-ended capabilities, up to and
including what I call 'active content' - i.e. content which includes code
which is to be run.
(Yes, yes, I know - even without that, it's possible to feed 'dumb'
applications bad data, and do an intrusion; I seem to recall there was one of
those with JPEG's, so even plain images were not perfectly safe. And someone
just provided an example of an with plain ASCII. But those holes are much
harder to find/use, whereas active content is a security hole the size of a
trans-Atlantic liner.)
Without an _incredibly_ secure OS (something on the order of late-stage
Multics, when the security had been beefed up even over the original design
[the jargon to search for is 'AIM', if you're interested], or better),
bringing in 'active content' from _outside_ the system, and running it, is
daylight madness - it's an invitation to disaster.
This is true no matter _how_ such content comes in: via HTTP, with a Web
browser; via SMTP, with e-mail, whatever.
Dave Moon coined a phrase, based on an old anti-drug movie: 'TECO madness: A
moment of convenience, a lifetime of regret.' These active contents all, to
me, fall into that category. They _seem_ like a good idea, and provide
interesting capabilities - until some cracker uses one to wipe your hard
> With active text such as HTML, it is all too easy to mistakenly brush
> over a phishing link.
HTML email is another of my pet peeves/hot buttons - it's just another vector
for active conent. So, for the 'convenience' of being able to send email in
multiple fonts ('eye candy', I derisively call it), we get to let malefactors
send in viruses that can wipe a hard drive.
To me, this kind of thing is professional malpractice, on a par with building
cars that catch on fire, or buildings that collapse. People need to suffer
incredibly severe penalties for propogating this kind of nonsense; maybe then
software engineers will stop valuing convenience over regret.
On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Dave Horsfall <dave(a)> wrote:
> It's been ages since I delved into UUCP; first was the
> ​ ​
> "original", then HoneyDanBer.
​Actually this is a great question for this list .. how many
implementations were created?
1.) The original 1978 version that shipped with V7 and 32/V (BSD 4.1 and
2,) PC-UUCP for DOS came next -- I never knew how much was ripped off from
the original, because at the time, the Chesson's G protocol was not well
specified. The authors claimed to have reverse engineered it - I will say
it worked.
3.) Honey-Dan-Ber rewrite - most popular for a long time
4.) Taylor UUCP first real clone that I know of that I do think was done
with out looking at other's source. G protocol had been publicly
documented by then and the Trailblazer in fact was shipping with the
protocol imbedded in it.
Any others that folks know about and how well were they used? Did things
like Coherent have a UUCP? Linux and FreeBSD were able to use to Taylor
UUCP because it became available by then. Whitesmith's Idris lacked
anything like UUCP IIRC (but was based on V6). Same with Thoth originally
at Waterloo, but by the time they shipped it as the QNX product it was V7
compliant but I do not remember a UUCP being included in it. Minux
lacked a UUCP as I recall, but I'm hazy on that has Andy's crew wrote a lot
of the user space. Coherent was a "full" V7 clone and include things like
the dev tools including yacc/lex and was released much, much before the
Taylor version came out -- so what do they use for uucp if at all?
Does anyone remember any other implementations?