> I do recall 80 column monitors, but I started on 132 column decwriter
> IIs and hence have never had sympathy for 80 columns. It's weird that so
Interesting. I wonder if that's where the 132 column (alternative)
standard came from.
No. IBM's printers were 132 columns even before stored-program
> From: Steve Simon
> At the risk of stirring up another hornets nest...
I usually try not to join in to non-history threads (this list has too much
random flamage on current topics, IMNSHO), but I'll make an exception here...
> this means my code is usually fairly narrow.
I have what I think are somewhat unusual thoughts on nesting depth, etc, which
are: keep the code structure as simple as possible. That means no complex
nested if/then/else structures, etc (more below).
I'd been moving in this direction for a while, but something that happened a
long time ago at MIT crystalized this for me: a younger colleague brought me a
routine that had a complex nested if/etc structure in it, which had a bug; I
don't recall if he just wanted advice, or what, but I recall I fixed his
problem by..... throwing away half his code. (Literally.)
That really emphasized to me the downside of complexity like that; it makes it
harder to understand, harder to debug, and harder for someone else (or you
yourself, once you've been away from it for a while) to modify it. I've been
getting more formal about that ever since.
So, how did I throw away half his code? I have a number of techniques. I try
not to use 'else' unless it's the very best way to do something. So instead
if (some-conditional) {
<some code>;
else {
<some other code>;
(iterated, recursively) do:
if (some-conditional) {
<some code>;
<some other code>;
where xxx is a 'return', or a 'break', or a 'continue'. That way, you can
empty your brain once you hit that, and start with a clean slate.
This is also an example of another thing I do, which is use lots of simple
flow-control primitives; not go-tos (which I abhor), but loop exits, restarts,
etc. Again, it just makes things simpler; once you hit it, you can throw away
all that context/state in your mind.
Keep the control flow structure as simple as possible. If your code is several
levels of indent deep, you have much bigger problems than fitting it on the
I wrote up a complete programming style guide for people at Proteon working on
the CGW, which codified a lot of this; if there's interest, I'll see if I can
find a copy (I know I have a hardcopy _somewhere_).
... and "p" (which is very minimalistic, despite using a few
V8-specific library features, but V8 isn't in the web-accessible source
archive) from Version 8 research unix.
p actually originated outside Bell Labs. I think it was
written in the late 1970s at the University of Toronto.
I first saw it at Caltech, on the UNIX systems in the
High Energy Physics group that I ran for four years.
The first few of those systems were set up by Rob Pike,
who was at Caltech working on his masters degree (in
astrophysics, I think); p was there because Rob brought
For those who don't know it, p has quite an elegant
design. Its default page size is 22 lines, which
nicely fit the world of its time: allowed a couple
of lines of context between pages on a 24-line CRT;
evenly divided the 66-line pages (still!) output
by nroff and pr. It uttered no prompt and required
neither raw nor cbreak nor even no-echo mode: it
printed the final line of each page sans newline;
to continue, you typed return, which was echoed,
completing that line before the next was printed.
It buffered text internally to allow backing up a few
pages, so it was possible to back up even when input
didn't come from a file (something I'm not sure the
more of the time could do).
Internally the buffering was done with a standalone
library that could have been used in other programs,
though I don't know whether it ever was.
p also led me to an enlightening programming story.
One day I was looking over the code, trying to understand
just how the buffering worked; part of it made no sense
to me. To figure it out, I decided to write my own
simple, straightforward version with the same interface;
test and debug it carefully; then lay printouts of the
two implementations side-by-side, and walk through some
test cases. This revealed that the clever code I couldn't
make out in the original was actually buggy: it scrambled
data (I forget the details) when read returned less than
a full buffer.
p (my version) is one of the several programs I bring along
to every new UNIX-derivative environment. I use it daily.
I have also recently noticed a new bug: on OpenBSD, it
sometimes scrambles the last few lines of a file. I have
figured out that that has something to do with whether
fclose (my version uses stdio) is called explicitly or
by exit(3), but I don't know yet whether it's the library's
fault or my own.
Even the simplest programs have things to teach us.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
> From: Don Hopkins
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/268132/invert-if-statement-to-reduce-ne…
Thanks for that - interesting read. (Among other things, it explains where the
'only have one return, at the end' comes from - which I never could understand.)
> Nested if statements have more 'join' points where control flow merges
> back together at the end instead of bailing out early
Exactly. In high-level terms, it's much like having a ton of goto's. Yes, the
_syntax_ is different, but the semantics - and understanding how it works - is
the same - i.e. hard.
From a mailing list I belong to, a back-and-forth is going on that I am
not involved in. The following sums it up nicely:
> It's really the implied equality that's the problem. For example:
> if (flags & DLADM_OPT_PERSIST) {
> would be better written as:
> if ((flags & DLADM_OPT_PERSIST) == 0) {
Seriously? What do (or would) "original C" programmers think of this? To me, anything non-zero is "true" so the first is perfectly acceptable.
The original assertion in the discussion was that the following is not "right" because of the mixing of bitwise and boolean.
> if ((flags & DLADM_OPT_PERSIST) && (link_flags & DLMGMT_PERSIST)) {
art k.
At the risk of stirring up another hornets nest...
I never accepted the Microsoft
“write functions for maximal indentation, with only one return”
and stick to
“get out if the function asap, try to have success at the bottom of the function”
this means my code is usually fairly narrow.
I found head on 3BSD and thought it might be as simple to compile as
cr3, unfortunately, it isn't. I did:
$ cc head.c
$ cc -c head.c
$ pcc head.c
I thought the assembler, as, was cryptic, at least there you get a one
character error response. What is cc trying to say? Obviously head.o
won't exist unless cc succeeds...
GPG Fingerprint: 68F4 B3BD 1730 555A 4462 7D45 3EAA 5B6D A982 BAAF
On 6 November 2017 at 19:36, Ron Natalie <ron(a)ronnatalie.com> wrote:
> It’s worse than that. “char” is defined as neither signed nor unsigned.
> The signedness is implementation defined. This was why we have the inane
> “signed” keyword.
What was that story about porting an early UNIX to a machine with
different char polarity? I dimly recall only a few problems.
> In the meantime, how did folks page through text like man sh
Chuckle. "Text like man sh" wasn't very long back then.
.,.20p was quite an effective pager. It could go backward,
and it didn't wipe out the screen (which can destroy the
record of the problem that caused you to consult a reference).
I still do it from time to time.