> From: Jeremy C. Reed
> "PDP-11 that had PDP-10 memory management, KS-1." ... What is this
> PDP-11 and KS-1? Maybe this is the PDP-11/20 with KS-11?
Yes. The reference to "PDP-10 memory management" is because apparently the
KS11 did what the PDP-10 MMU did, i.e. divide the address space into two
sections. (On the -10, one was for code, and one for data.)
Alas, next to nothing is known of the KS11, although I've looked. There's a
mention of it in "Odd Comments and Strange Doings in Unix":
but it doesn't say much.
I read in the PDP-7 reference manual that Precision CRT Display Type 30
and Precision Incremental Display Type 340 are the typical displays used
with the PDP-7, but aren't standard equipment. I read about the
Graphics-II scope. Was it the only display? I read it was used as a
second terminal and that it would pause per display full with a button
to continue.
I assume this second terminal's keyboard was TTY model 33 or similar
since it was the standard equipment. Does anyone know?
Do you know if the PDP-7 or early edition Unixes have pen support for
that Graphics-II or similar displays?
Clem has written that the PDP-7 had a disk from a PDP-9. Where is this
The ~1971 draft "The UNIX Time-Sharing System" says first version runs
on PDP-9 also.
But I cannot find any other reference of running on PDP-9 at all. Was
this academic?
That draft calls the PDP-7 version the "first edition" but later the
PDP-11/20 is called the "first edition". When did the naming of first
edition get defined to not include the PDP-7 version? Or is it because
the early "0th" version was never released/shared outside?
Thompson interview
mentions an "interim machine" and a "PDP-11 that had PDP-10 memory
management, KS-1." What is this interim machine? Is this a PDP-11
without a disk (for a few months?) What is this PDP-11
and KS-1? Maybe this is the PDP-11/20 with KS-11?
Do we know what hardware was supported for the early editions? We don't
have all the kernel code and from a quick look from what is available I
didn't see specific hardware references.
The later ~1974 "The UNIX Time-Sharing System" paper does mention some
hardware at that time on the PDP-11/45 like a 201 dataset interface and
a Tektronix 611 storage-tube display on a satellite PDP-11/20.
When did a CRT with keyboard terminal like DEC vt01 (with Tektronix 611
CRT display), LS ADM-3, Hazeltine 2000, VT01A display with keyboard
(what keyboard?) get supported? Any code to help find this? (The
https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/picture.html does mention the
VT01A plys keyboard).
Jeremy C. Reed
echo Ohl zl obbx uggc://errqzrqvn.arg/obbxf/csfrafr/ | \
tr "Onoqrsuvxzabcefghl" "Babdefhikmnoprstuy"
Does anyone know where I can find the Unix-related interviews with Dr.
Peter Collinson?
These are acknowledged in front-matter of Peter Salus's Quarter Century
book which says previously appeared in ".EXE". Bottom of
https://www.hillside.co.uk/articles/index.html mentions the magazines
aren't found. I didn't try contacting him yet.
I have read the Mahoney collection (archived at TUHS). Any other
interview collections from long ago?
Jeremy C. Reed
echo Ohl zl obbx uggc://errqzrqvn.arg/obbxf/csfrafr/ | \
tr "Onoqrsuvxzabcefghl" "Babdefhikmnoprstuy"
Hi TUHS folks,
Earlier this month I did a fair bit of research on a little known Unix
programming language - bs - and updated the wikipedia pages
Thanks for solving some bs mysteries goes to its author, Dick Haight,
as well as those that got us in touch: Doug McIlroy, Brian Kernighan,
and John Mashey.
Apart from what is in the aforementioned wikipedia page, in exchanging
email with me, Dick shared:
I wrote bs at the time Unix (V 3?) and all of the commands were being
converted from assembler to C. So Thompson’s bas became my bs — sort
of. I included snobol’s succeed/fail feature (? Operator/fail return).
No one asked me to write bs. [...] I tried to get Dennis Ritche to add
something like “? / fail” to C but he didn’t. This is probably part of
why I wrote bs. I wasn’t part of the Unix inner circle (BTL Computing
Research, e.g., Thompson, Ritchie, McIlroy, etc). Neither were Mashey
& Dolotta. We were “support”.
The Release 3.0 manual (1980) mentions bs prominently on page 9:
Writing a program. To enter the text of a source program into a
UNIX file, use ed(1). The four principal languages available under
UNIX are C (see cc(1)), Fortran (see f77(1)), bs (a
compiler/interpreter in the spirit of Basic, see bs(1)), and assembly
language (see as(1)).
Personally, some reasons I find bs noteworthy is (a) it is not much
like BASIC (from today's perspective) and (b) as mentioned in the
wikipedia page, "The bs language is a hybrid interpreter and compiler
and [an early] divergence in Unix programming" (from Research Unix
mentioning only the other three languages):
The bs language was meant for convenient development and debugging of
small, modular programs. It has a collection of syntax and features
from prior, popular languages but it is internally compiled, unlike a
Shell script. As such, in purpose, design, and function, bs is a
largely unknown, modest predecessor of hybrid interpreted/compiled
languages such as Perl and Python.
It survives today in some System III-derived or System V-derived
commercial operating systems, including HP-UX and AIX.
If you have additional information that might be useful for the
wikipedia page, please do share it.
P.S. Here is a 2008 TUHS list discussion, "Re: /usr/bin/bs on HPUX?":
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 01:08:26PM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
> Lord Doomicus scripsit:
> > I was poking around an HP UX system at work today, and noticed a
> > command I've never noticed before ... /usr/bin/bs.
> >
> > I'm sure it's been there for a long time, even though I've been an
> > HPUX admin for more than a decade, sometimes I'm just blind ... but
> > anyway ....
> >
> > I tried to search on google ... it looks like only HPUX, AIX, and
> > Maybe AU/X has it. Seems to be some kind of pseudo BASIC like
> > interpreter.
> That's just what it is. Here are the things I now know about it.
> 0. The string "bs" gets an awful lot of false Google hits, no matter
> how hard you try.
> 1. "bs" was written at AT&T, probably at the Labs, at some time between
> the release of 32V and System III. It was part of both System III and
> at least some System V releases.
> 2. It was probably meant as a replacement for "bas", which was a more
> conventional GW-Basic-style interpreter written in PDP-11 assembly
> language. (32V still had the PDP-11 source, which of course didn't work.)
> 3. At one time System III source code was available on the net,
> including bs.c and bs.1, but apparently it no longer is. I downloaded
> it then but don't have it any more.
> 4. I was able to compile it under several Unixes, but it wouldn't run:
> I think there must have been some kind of dependency on memory layout,
> but never found out exactly what.
> 5. I remember from the man page that it had regular expressions, and
> two commands "compile" and "execute" that switched modes to storing
> expressions and executing them on the spot, respectively. That eliminated
> the need for line numbers.
> 6. It was apparently never part of Solaris.
> 7. It was never part of any BSD release, on which "bs" was the battleships
> game.
> 8. I can't find the man page on line anywhere either.
> 9. The man page said it had some Snobol features. I think that meant
> the ability to return failure -- I vaguely remember an "freturn" command.
> 10. 99 Bottles of Beer has a sample bs program at
> http://www2.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-bs-103.html .
> 11. If someone sends me a man page, I'll consider reimplementing it as
> Open Source.
> --
> We are lost, lost. No name, no business, no Precious, nothing. Only empty.
> Only hungry: yes, we are hungry. A few little fishes, nassty bony little
> fishes, for a poor creature, and they say death. So wise they are; so just,
> so very just. --Gollum cowan at ccil.orghttp://ccil.org/~cowan
dave(a)plonka.us http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~plonka/
> From: "Brian L. Stuart"
> (The tmg doc was one I remember not being there.)
Err, TMG(VI) is 1/2 page long. Is that really what you were looking for?
(I _did_ specify the 'UPM'.)
I do happen to have the V6-era TMG _manual_, if that's what you're looking
All, I'm just musing where is the best place to store Unix documentation.
My Unix Archive is really just a filesystem, so it's not so good to
capture and search metadata.
Is anybody using archive.org, gunkies or something else, and have
Cheers, Warren
I'm looking for complete compies of UNIX NEWS volumes 1-7. 8 and newer are
available on the USENIX site, or on archive.org, but older ones are not. A
few excerpts are published in newer login issues, but nothing complete.
Reading the AUUGN issues, especially the early ones, are quite enlightening
and help one judge the relative merits of later accounts with better
contemporary context. I was hoping to get the same from UNIX NEWS (later
login) and any other news letters that may exist from the time (I think I
spotted references to one from the UK in AUUGN). It's really quite
Hello All.
Believed lost in the mists of time for over 30 years, the Georgia Tech
Software Tools Subsystem for Prime Computers, along with the Georgia Tech
C Compiler for Prime Computers, have been recovered!
The source code and documentation (and binary files) are available in a
Github repo: https://github.com/arnoldrobbins/gt-swt.
The README.md there provides some brief history and credits with respect
to the recovery, and w.r.t. the subsystem and C compilers themselves.
Credit to Scott Lee for making and keeping the tapes and driving the
recovery process, and to Dennis Boone and yours truly for contributing
financially. I set up the repo.
For anyone who used and/or contributed to this software, we hope you'll
enjoy this trip down memory lane.
Feel free to forward this note to interested parties.
Arnold Robbins
(On behalf of the swt recovery team. :-)