Dear All:
I was wondering if anyone had any first-hand information about the early decisions at Western Electric to make an education license for Unix that was both royalty-free and with an extremely modest “service charge”/delivery fee, or if anyone knows the names of key people who made these decisions.
Best wishes,
David C. Brock
Director and Curator
Software History Center
Computer History Museum<>
Email: dbrock(a)
Twitter: @dcbrock
Skype: dcbrock
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94943
(650) 810-1010 main
(650) 810-1886 direct
Pronouns: he, him, his
> From: Arnold Robbins
> The Bell Labs guys in some ways were too.
And there's the famous? story about the Multics error messages in Latin,
courtesty of Bernie Greenberg. One actually appeared at a customer site once,
whereupon hilarity ensued.
Clem Cole:
Al Arms
wrote and administer the license BTW.
Aside for entertainment purposes: at one point, the root
password for the UNIX systems I ran in the Caltech High
Energy Physics group was derived from Al's name, but through
a level of punning indirection. I believe Mark Bartelt
came up with it.
Later we decided to change it. I believe I chose the
successor, which continued the UNIX-licensing scheme, but
in a different direction:
The systems that had either of these passwords are long-
since turned off.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
This stuff is extremely poorly preserved. No time like the present to
fix that. I was reading Tom's blog and have been aware of
Amdahl UTS a couple of the other ports for a while.
I've got an HP 88780 quad density 9-track and access to a SCSI IBM
3490. Can fit them in air cargo and bring a laptop with a SCSI card.
Tell me where to go.
Tangential, but interesting:
Where would you expect a MOOC about C to originate? Not, it
turns out, in a computer-science department. Professor
Bonfert-Taylor is a mathematician in the school of
engineering at Dartmouth.
On Tue, 19 Nov 2019, Tony Finch wrote:
> Amusingly POSIX says the C standard takes precedence wrt the details of
> gets() (and other library functions) and C18 abolished gets(). I'm
> slightly surprised that the POSIX committee didn't see that coming and
> include the change in the 2018 edition...
Didn't know that gets() had finally been abolished; it's possibly the most
unsafe function (OK, macro) on the planet. I've long been tempted to
remove gets() and see what breaks...
-- Dave
Bakul Shah:
Unfortunately strcpy & other buffer overflow friendly
functions are still present in the C standard (I am looking at
n2434.pdf, draft of Sept 25, 2019). Is C really not fixable?
If you mean `can C be made proof against careless programmers,'
no. You could try but the result wouldn't be C. And Flon's
Dictum applies anyway, as always.
It's perfectly possible to program in C without overflowing
fixed buffers, just as it's perfectly possible to program in
C without dereferencing a NULL or garbage pointer. I don't
claim to be perfect, but before the rtm worm rubbed my nose
in such problems, I was often sloppy about them, and afterward
I was very much aware of them and paid attention.
That's all I ask: we need to pay attention. It's not about
tools, it's about brains and craftmanship and caring more
about quality than about feature count or shiny surfaces
or pushing the product out the door.
Which is a good bit of what was attractive about UNIX in
the first place--that both its ideas and its implementation
were straightforward and comprehensible and made with some
care. (Never mind that it wasn't perfect either.)
Too bad software in general and UNIX descendants in particular
seem to have left all that behind.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
PS: if you find this depressing, cheer yourself up by watching
the LCM video showing off UNICS on the PDP-7. I just did, and
it did.
I hadn't seen this yet - apologies if it's not news:…
"I recently sat down with Fred Yearian, a former Boeing engineer, and
Jeff Kaylin, an engineer at Living Computers, to talk about their
restoration work on Yerian’s PDP-7 at Living Computers: Museum +
Up until the discovery of Yearian’s machine, LCM+L’s PDP-7 was
believed to be the only operational PDP-7 left in the world. Chuckling
to himself, Yearian recalls hearing this history presented during his
first visit to LCM+L.
“I walked in the computer museum, and someone said ‘Oh, this is the
only [PDP-7] that’s still working’.
And I said, ‘Well actually, I got one in my basement!’”
[end quote]
Fun story - and worthy work. Nicely done.
Doug McIlroy is probably the best person to answer this.
Looking at the V3 and V4 manuals, there is a reference to the m6 macro
processor. The man page thereof refers to
A. D. Hall, The M6 Macroprocessor, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1969
1. Is this memo available, even in hardcopy that could be scanned?
2. What's the history of m6, was it written in assembler? C?
3. When and why was it replaced with m4 (written by DMR IIRC)?
More generally, what's the history of m6 prior to Unix?
IIRC, the macro processor in Software Tools was inspired by m4,
and in particular its immediate evaluation of its arguments during
I guess I'll also ask, how widespread was the use of macro processors
in high level languages? They were big for assembler, and PL/1 had
a macro language, but I don't know of any other contemporary languages
that had them. Were the general purpose macro processors used a lot?
E.g. with Fortran or Cobol or ...
I'm just curious. :-)
I think I recall an explicit statement somewhere from an
interview with Robert that the worm was inspired partly
by Shockwave Rider.
I confess my immediate reaction to the worm was uncontrollable
laughter. I was out of town when it happened, so I first
heard it from a newspaper article (and wasn't caught up in
fighting it or I'd have laughed a lot less, of course); and
it seemed to me hilarious when I read that Robert was behind
it. He had interned with 1127 for a few summers while I was
there, so I knew him as very bright but often a bit careless
about details; that seemed an exact match for the worm.
My longer-term reaction was to completely drop my sloppy
old habit (common in those days not just in my code but in
that of many others) of ignoring possible buffer overflows.
I find it mind-boggling that people still make that mistake;
it has been literal decades since the lesson was rubbed in
our community's collective noses. I am very disappointed
that programming education seems not to care enough about
this sort of thing, even today.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON