> Bill passed away this summer - you may have seen his epic farewell
> message.
Anyone have a copy of this? I did a Web search, but all I could find was the
Subject line ("public static final void goodbye ()").
holding back the night
with its increasing brilliance
the summer moon
-- Yoshitoshi's death poem
All, a while back Tom Lyon sent me the following e-mail and I'd been
sitting on my hands, but I've finally placed these two theses in the
Unix Archive at https://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Documentation/Theses/
Thanks Tom!
Cheers, Warren
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Hi, Warren - as you may know, Bill Shannon and Sam Leffler ported UNIX
to the Harris /6 minicomputer at Case Western.
Bill passed away this summer - you may have seen his epic farewell
message. Anyways, that prompted me to get the CWRU librarians to scan
copies of Shannon's and Leffler's theses where they describe the work.Â
It took a while due to Covid, but I have them now (attached).
There is a copyright disclaimer at the end of each, but it allows for
research purposes, which is all that I can imagine this being used for.
Please give them a home in the archives, and announce as you please.
- Tom
> From: Tyler Adams
> We all know and love the UNIX beard, but I can't find anything on how
> the beards started other than an old photo of Ken and Dennis
I'm not sure the term is Unix-specific. At a fairly early stage, people who
worked on the ARPANET/Internet (when PDP-10's were still the 'usual' host, and
Unix systems were just starting to beceome common) were jokingly known as
'network grey-beards': the prototypical one being Jon Postel. (Vint Verf's
beard was too tidy to qualify, IIRC!)
> Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if A68 had become the medium-level language of Unix
My knowledge of A68 comes from reading the official definition back in
the day. It took effort to see the clarity of the design through the
fog of the description. Until more accessible descriptions came along
(which I admit to not having seen) it would have been a big barrier to
A68 was very much in the air (though not much on the ground) in the
early days of Unix, as was PL/I. Although we had implemented and used
PL/I for Multics, it was never considered for Unix due to Its size and
the rise of other attractive languages during the 6-year gestation of
Multics. BCPL had the most influence, particularly in its clever
identity a[i] = i [a] = *(a+i).It was OK to write 2[x], which served
to implement structs like this: field=2; field[x]=3. (Actually the
BCPL indirection operator was not *. Dennis borrowed the more
perspicuous *from the SAP assembler for IBM 700-series machines.)
>From Algol 68 Dennis borrowed addition operators like +=, though at
first he unwisely reversed their spelling, underestimating the
inherent hazard of a=-b. He rejected A68's automatic dereferencing as
too inflexible. He considered whether semicolons should be separators
as in Algol, or terminators as in PL/I. (Separators are more
convenient for macro substitution, but macros were not in the original
design.) He also considered making statements and expressions mutually
recursive as in A68. My recollection is that his choices were finally
based on a guess about user acceptance--how many radical innovations
would prospective users buy into. Perhaps Ken would have more to say
about this,
I tried to persuade Dennis to provide simultaneous assignments like
a,b = b,a, In the end, the comma operator got hijacked for a partial
realization of embedded statements.(We could still get parallel
assignment by, interpreting the existing {a,b,c} syntax as an lvalue
thus: {a,b,c}={b,c,a}.)
Then came Steve Bourne, with real experience in A68. Its influence on
the shell, including the story of do...done, has often been told. It
shows up most vividly in the condition part of if and while
This pair of commands exemplifies a weakness in the way Unix evolved.
Although it was the product of a shared vision, It was not a
product-oriented project. Unix commands work well together, but they
don't necessarily work alike.
It would be nice if identifiable families of commands had similar user
interfaces. However, cron and at were written by different
individuals, apparently with somewhat different tastes. Unix folks
were close colleagues, but had no organized design committee.
Time specs in cron and at are markedly different. A more consequential
example is data-field specs (or lack thereof) in sort, join, cut, comm
and uniq. The various specs were recognized as "wildly incongruent" in
a BUG remak. However there was no impetus for unification. To
paraphrase John Cocke (speaking about Fortran): one must understand
that Unix commands are not a logical language. They are a natural
language--in the sense that they developed by organic evolution, not
"intelligent design".
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 19:59:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [TUHS] The UNIX Command Language (1976)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> "The UNIX Command Language is the first-ever paper published on the Unix
> shell. It was written by Ken Thompson in 1976."
> https://github.com/susam/tucl
Thanks for that.
This reminded me that the Thompson shell used goto for flow control, which
I had forgotten.
Bourne commented on the omission of goto from the Bourne shell, "I
eliminated goto in favour of flow control primitives like if and for.
This was also considered rather radical departure from the existing
Was this decision contentious at all? Was there a specific reason for
goto's exclusion in the Bourne shell?
At the time it may have raised a few eyebrows but I don't recall much discussion about it then. My email tracks at the time don't mention it.
Doug McIlroy or Steve Johnson (or Ken) on this forum might recall differently. At the time scripts were not that complicated and so error recovery to a far off place in the script was not common. As an aside I did persuade Dennis to add "setjmp" and "longjmp" so the shell code itself could recover from some kinds of script errors.
So I did not have a "religious" aversion to "goto" at the time.
> Bourne commented on the omission of goto from the Bourne shell
> Was this decision contentious at all? Was there a specific reason for goto's exclusion in the Bourne shell?
I don't believe I ever used a shell goto, because I knew
how it worked--maybe even spinning a tape drive, not too
different from running a loop on the IBM CPC. There you
stood in front of the program "read head" (a card reader),
grabbed the "used" cards at the bottom and put them back
in the top feed. Voila, a program loop. The shell goto
differed in that it returned to the beginning by running the
tape backward rather than going around a physically
looped path. And you didn't have to spin the tape by hand.
It also reminds me of George Stibitz's patent on the goto.
The idea there was to stop reading this tape and read
that one instead. The system library was a bank of
tape readers with programs at the ready on tape loops .
(This was in the late 1940s. I saw the machine but never
used it. I did have hands-on experience with CPCcards.)
Off topic, but too much fun to pass up.
>> You wrote your algorithm in Pascal, debugged it, and then rewrote it in your favourite language (in my case, ALGOL-W).
> Now why didn't Don Knuth think of that for TeX?
I'm glad he didn't. He might have written it in Mix. Knuth once said
he didn't believe in higher-level languages. Of course he knew more
about them than anybody else and was CACM's associate editor for the
subject--like a minister who doesn't believe in God.