I missed the fact that Posix and Linux ed support s/foo/bar/3 (as opposed
to s3/foo/bar); ex does not, unfortunately.
We need a Great Unification of Line Editors.
John Cowan:
We need a Great Unification of Line Editors.
A standard for the standard editor?
I thought the nice thing about standards was that there
were so many of them.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
I had *.clients.your-server.de crawling mcvoy.com in violation of my
robots.txt. For whatever reason, the tty settings (or something)
made vi not work, I dunno what the deal is, stty -tabs didn't help.
So I had to resort to ed to write and debug the little program below.
It was surprisingly pleasant, it's probably the first time I've used ed
for anything real in at least a decade. My fingers still know it.
+1 for ed. It's how many decades old and still useful?
#!/usr/libexec/bitkeeper/bk tclsh
FILE log = popen("/var/log/apache2/dns.l", "r");
string buf, ip;
string dropped{string};
fconfigure(log, buffering: "line");
while (buf = <log>) {
unless (buf =~ /([^ ]+\.your-server\.de\.) /) continue;
ip = $1;
if (defined(dropped{ip})) continue;
dropped{ip} = "yes";
warn("DROP ${ip}\n");
system("/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s ${ip} -j DROP");
Andy Kosela <akosela(a)andykosela.com> wrote:
> On 3/29/21, arnold(a)skeeve.com <arnold(a)skeeve.com> wrote:
> > Andy Kosela <akosela(a)andykosela.com> wrote:
> >
> >> If ed(1) had cursor positioning and full screen capabilities along
> >> with line oriented editing (similar to Atari 8-bit default editor) it
> >> would be perfect. I still love it though and use it pretty often.
> >
> > Try out the 'se' editor, see www.se-editor.org.
> Thanks. It is a nice editor, but it actually resembles ex(1) when
> using visual mode. Maybe I am missing something but it appears you
> cannot actually use cursor keys to visually edit lines in the upper
> area of the screen in se -- you can only edit cmd line.
> As far as I know there is no editor in the Unix land which gives you
> the ability to work in the ed(1) line oriented mode BUT also allowing
> to freely move cursor keys in all directions. I gave example of the
> Atari editor[1] which does exactly that. I believe to accomplish it
> on Unix one would need to hack ed(1) and add ncurses(3) cursor
> positioning.
> --Andy
> [1] https://youtu.be/c9o92l5gupI
> the hammer fired to make an impression the ribbon on the paper, which was
> caused the noise people associated with computer printers.
GE outdid the printer with a fantastically fast pneumatic card reader. The make
and break of the suction on each card repeated at aural frequency and so loud
that I hied off to the instrument stockroom to borrow a noise meter. It was 90db
at the operator's position.
ed is the standard editor, they say.
The b command (stands for browse) came from late-1970s
U of T; rob probably brought it to 1127. There were a
handful of other syntactic conveniences, like being
allowed to leave off the final delimeter of an s command,
and declaring that a missing address means 1 before the
comma or semicolon and $ after, so
works over all lines from 3 to the last, and , standing
alone addresses the whole buffer.
Also the idea that s followed by a digit N means start
with the Nth instance of the pattern:
affects only the third fish, and
every fish after the second.
I have all those tweaks, plus a few others, embedded in
my fingers from the qed produced by the same Toronto
hacks. I contracted it from the copy rob left behind
at Caltech, which means it has been my editor of choice
for 40 years now (with sam as an alternate favourite
since its inception 35 years or so ago). That qed
has a lot of cryptic programming stuff that I have
mostly forgotten because it was never that useful, but
what really hooked me was
a. Multiple buffers, with the ability to move and
copy text between them reasonably smoothly (both with
the m and t commands and with an interpolate-into-input
magic character);
b. The > < | commands, which respectively send the
addressed lines to a shell command (default ,), replace
the addressed lines or append after the single addressed
line the standard output of the shell command (default .),
and replaced addressed lines with what you get by
sending them (default ,) to the shell command, replacing
them with its standard output.
The last operators make qed into a kind of workbench,
both for massaging data and for constructing a list
of commands to send to the shell.
I gather current Linux/BSD eds have > and <, spelled
r ! and w !, but without | it just ain't the same,
rather like the way | revolutionized the shell.
I believe the credit for U of T ed and qed go mainly
to Rob Pike, Tom Duff, Hugh Redelmeier, and the (alas
now late) David Tillbrook. David remained an avid
user of qed, continuing to add stuff to it.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
PS: this message, as most of my e-mail, composed by
typing it into qed, editing as needed, then running
>mail tuhs(a)tuhs.org
> When hyphenation is disabled, soft (discretionary) hyphens are
> interpreted.
In pre-Unix roff hyphenation mode 0 turned off all breaking of words.
The original troff, however, behaved as described above, and alsowant
broke genuinely hyphenated words in mode 0. If you t really wants
to break words one day, you may use
Noel Hunt:
Who in the Unix world today
writes, would even be able to write, a manual entry like that.
Doug McIlroy is still around, though (alas) he doesn't write
many manual entries these days.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
As the example came through in my mail reader--in a different,
proportionally spaced font, the effect of .ll in the examples was hard
to figure out. Which of the two line lengths in the new case is
actually operative? Why are the inch lengths in the old and new
examples so different? The new example is ticklish, since it depends
on the peculiar AI that identifies sentence endings. Suppose reference
1 is naively broken after "Soc."
I prefer the old example because it's clean to read, isn't mixed up
with AI, and incidentally illustrates a nontrivial use for .nop.
> The example itself originally read:
> .ll 4.5i
> 1.\ This is the first footnote.\c
> .ss 48
> .nop
> .ss 12
> 2.\ This is the second footnote.
> 1. This is the first footnote. 2. This
> is the second footnote.
> The new version of this example is:
> .ie n .ll 50n
> .el .ll 2.75i
> .ss 12 48
> 1. J. Fict. Ch. Soc. 6 (2020), 3\[en]14.
> 2. Better known for other work.
> 1. J. Fict. Ch. Soc. 6 (2020), 3-14. 2. Better
> known for other work.
FYI, folks.
> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 06:06:49 -0700
> From: a(a)9srv.net
> To: 9fans(a)9fans.net
> Subject: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation
> We are thrilled to announce that Nokia has transferred the copyright of
> Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation. This transfer applies to all of the
> Plan 9 from Bell Labs code, from the earliest days through their final
> release.
> The most exciting immediate effect of this is that the Plan 9 Foundation
> is making the historical 1st through 4th editions of Plan 9 available
> under the terms of the MIT license. These are the releases as they
> existed at the time, with minimal changes to reflect the above.
> 1st and 2nd edition were never released as open source software, and
> both (but especially 1st edition) were only available to a very small
> number of people. 3rd and 4th were previously available as open source,
> but under a license which was problematic for some people (especially
> the 3rd edition). We think making these available under the MIT license
> is something that's going to be a significant benefit for all projects
> using Plan 9 code. While this doesn't automatically change the license
> on any downstream projects, and you're welcome to keep using the LPL if
> you like, you now have the option of switching to MIT, which we think
> most everyone will find preferable.
> Obviously, for folks in the Plan 9 community, there isn't a way to say
> "thank you" to Bell Labs, and its various parent organizations, that's
> really adequate. None of us would be talking about any of this if it
> weren't for the work done there for decades. All of us here at the Plan
> 9 Foundation express our sincerest thanks to the team at Nokia who made
> this possible, the Plan 9 alumni who supported the effort, and the Plan
> 9 community who have kept kernels booting and the userland useful.
> The historical releases are available right now at:
> https://p9f.org/dl/
> You can read Nokia's press release on the transfer here:
> https://www.bell-labs.com/institute/blog/plan-9-bell-labs-cyberspace/
> Thank you for your time,
> Anthony Sorace
> Plan 9 Foundation
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