TUHS March 2021

  • 78 participants
  • 42 discussions

Fred Grampp
by M Douglas McIlroy
4 years

Re: [TUHS] Fred Grampp
by Norman Wilson
4 years

Re: [TUHS] [COFF] Pondering the hosts file
by Bakul Shah
4 years

non-UNIX timesharing at Bell Labs ca 1972?
by Dan Halbert
4 years

Richard Stevens
by wojciech@koszek.com
4 years

PWB/UNIX 1.0 on the PDP-11/23+
by Tom Ivar Helbekkmo
4 years

Re: [TUHS] tabs vs spaces - entab, detab
by Nelson H. F. Beebe
4 years

tabs vs spaces - entab, detab
by M Douglas McIlroy
4 years

4.4BSD sparc, pmax binary recently compiled
by MOCHIDA Shuji
4 years

Re: [TUHS] A stack of PDP-11 field maintenance print sets
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
4 years
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