Mary Ann Horton:
I'm enjoying bwk's book very much, but it has me wondering. There are
two stories I've heard that supposedly occurred at Murray Hill, but he
didn't include them.
You can't expect every story to be there. The book would be too
heavy to lift!
Could the `monkey picture on a badge' story be that of G. R. Emlin's
badge? She was a gremlin doll, not a monkey, but it would be
reasonable to mistake the former for the latter.
Here's a good pictore of G R herself, with what I believe to be at
least a second-generation badge. The original badge was an old-style
Bell Labs one with a green border; I forget whether that meant
contractor or something else, but a regular MTS badge was blue-bordered
at the time.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
> What is the special meaning of using / as directory partition in UNIX? And \ as the escape character.
\ came from Multics. The first day Multics ran at Bell Labs Bob Morris
famously typed backslash-newline at the login prompt and crashed the
Multics had a hierarchical file system, too, but I don't recall how
pathnames were punctuated.
> From: Charles Anthony
>> I think it was >user_dir_dir>Group>User, wasn't it?
> user_dir_dir>Project>User
Oh, right. Too many years spent on Unix! :-)
> "Names" are aliases, similar to soft links
I feel like they are more similar to hard links; they belong to a segment, and
if the name is given to another segment, and the original segment has only
that name, it goes away. (See the discussion under "add_name" in the MPM
'Commands and Active Fuinctions'). Also, Multics does real soft links (too),
so names can't be soft links! :-)
My talk has been posted.
Thanks to everyone who helped make it better.
P.s. this may be a duplicate email... I had domain issues when I sent it
> From: Charles Anthony
> /home/CAnthony
I think it was >user_dir_dir>Group>User, wasn't it? I seem to remember my
homedir on MIT-Multics was >udd>CSR>JNChiappa?
And I wonder if the 'dd' directory on PDP-7 Unix owe anything to 'udd'?
Getting back to the original query, I'm wondering if '/' was picked
as it wasn't shifted, unlike '>'?
On Mon, 21 Oct 2019, Andrew Hume wrote:
> the gt40??? oh my lord! good job i am en route to the bell labs 50th
> anniversary.
> its been a long time since i heard the name “Dave Horsfall”!
Yep :-) Although now retired, I'm still active in Unix projects.
-- Dave
I was about to add a footnote to history about
how the broad interests and collegiality of
Bell Labs staff made Space Travel work, when
I saw that Ken beat me to telling how he got
help from another Turing Award winner.
> while writing "space travel,"
> i could not get the space ship integration
> around a planet to keep from either gaining or
> losing energy due to floating point errors.
> i asked dick hamming if he could help. after
> a couple hours, he came back with a formula.
> i tried it and it worked perfectly. it was some
> weird simple double integration that self
> corrected for fp round off. as near as i can
> ascertain, the formula was never published
> and no one i have asked (including me) has
> been able to recreate it.
If I remember correctly, the cause of Ken's
difficulty was not roundoff error. It
was discretization error in the integration
formula--probably f(t+dt)=f(t)+f'(t)dt.
Dick saw that the formula did not conserve
energy and found an alternative that did.