TUHS March 2018

  • 72 participants
  • 50 discussions

Old UNIX file system formats
by norman@nose.cita.utoronto.ca
2 years, 10 months

Happy birthday, Niklaus Wirth!
by Dave Horsfall
6 years, 11 months

shared objects in Unix
by Paul Winalski
6 years, 11 months

Novell, not SCO, found to own "Unix"
by Dave Horsfall
6 years, 11 months

The dollar symbol
by Dave Horsfall
6 years, 11 months

mail tuhs@minnie.tuhs.org
by Doug McIlroy
6 years, 12 months

Re: [TUHS] RIP John Backus
by Paul McJones
6 years, 12 months

daemons are not to be exorcised
by A. P. Garcia
6 years, 12 months

Fwd: long lived programs (was Re: RIP John Backus
by Clem Cole
6 years, 12 months

1978-03-25 - 2018-03-25: 40 years BSD Mail
by Steffen Nurpmeso
7 years
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