Hi Marc,
TUHS == The Unix Historical Society, it's a mailing list as well as a
repository of Unix source code (including yours). A lot of the Bell
Labs guys are on the list, it has weird topics like the current one of
how to get System III booting on a Zilog something that is 16 bits but
can address 8MB in segments.
There was a side discussion of PWB and SCCS came up and I started talking
about how cool SCCS was and how RCS gave it an undeserved bad rap. In
the process I said "I wish Marc was on this list" and John Cowan said
here is his email, go ask him.
I think you'd have fun on the list, it's old school unix. Lots of signal,
very little noise. I personally would love to have you there, SCCS was
brilliant. It would be fun to pick your brain about how that happened.
And for the record your advanced unix programming book has influenced
how I code. It error checks when there could be errors and passes when
there shouldn't be errors. I feel like that book threaded the needle -
error checking matters except when it doesn't. It taught me a lot and
I pass it on to anyone who will listen.
If you want to get on the list send an email to wkt(a)tuhs.org. Be good
to have your voice here.
> cpio, expr, xargs, yacc, and lex first appeared outside
> the Bell Labs boundary in the PWB release
This gently corrects a statement in my posting: the name
of one of the PWB-originated programs is expr, not eval.
> From: Dave Horsfall <dave(a)horsfall.org>
> I thought PWB (makers of "make") came from Harvard?
PWB? As in "Programmer's Work Bench"? The OS part of that came straight out
of Bell - see pg. 266 in the first Unix BSTJ issue. Not sure about all the
applications (well, SCCS came from Bell).