I've assembled some notes from old manuals and other sources
on the formats used for on-disk file systems through the
Seventh Edition:
Additional notes, comments on style, and whatnot are welcome.
(It may be sensible to send anything in the last two categories
directly to me, rather than to the whole list.)
I successfully made SIMH VAX-11/780 emulator run 32V, 3BSD and 4.0BSD.
Details are on my web site (thogh rather tarse):
Naoki Hamada
I've had two papers about early UNIX accepted. One is a paper about our
1st Edition UNIX restoration for the IEEE Journal of the History of Computing,
and the second is a paper about several early UNIX restorations including 1st
Ed for the Usenix 2009 technical conference.
This means that I'll be attending the Usenix conference in San Diego in
June, so if anybody else is attending I'd love to catch up with you guys.
Cheers all and again thanks for all the hard work and the fantastic results!
Warren Toomey
All, looks like I will be attending the Usenix technical conference in
San Diego in June this year, to present a paper on restoring some of the
early Unix artifacts. If anybody else is attending the conference, or is
in town, I would very much like to catch up.
P.S Unix turns 40 in mid-2009 as well. Happy birthday Unix!