TUHS July 2002

  • 13 participants
  • 14 discussions

Old UNIX file system formats
by norman@nose.cita.utoronto.ca
2 years, 10 months

v7 upgrade
by Al Kossow
22 years, 7 months

by Larry McVoy
22 years, 8 months

[Bourne shell] SVR1
by Sven Mascheck
22 years, 8 months

Re: [TUHS] Copies of 1978 and 1984 BSTJ on Unix; what should I do with them?
by Aharon Robbins
22 years, 8 months

Re: [TUHS] Copies of 1978 and 1984 BSTJ on Unix; what should I do with them?
by Bryan Cantrill
22 years, 8 months

Copies of 1978 and 1984 BSTJ on Unix; what should I do with them?
by Sylvan.Stephan@epamail.epa.gov
22 years, 8 months

Distributions directory and UCB, and missing ftp site
by Gregg C Levine
22 years, 8 months

Re: [TUHS] Distributions directory and UCB, and missing ftp site
by Steven M. Schultz
22 years, 8 months

Re: [TUHS] Re: Porting Unix v6 to i386
by Warren Toomey
22 years, 8 months
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