Hi Branden,
Paul Ruizendaal wrote:
> That was my immediate pain point in doing the D1 SoC port.
> Unfortunately, the manufacturer only released the DRAM init code as
> compiler ‘-S’ output and the 1,400 page datasheet does not discuss
> its registers. Maybe this is a-typical, as I heard in the above
> keynote that NXP provides 8,000 page datasheets with their SoC’s.
I don't think it's atypical. I was pretty
annoyed trying to use the
data sheet to program a simple timer chip on the ODROID-C2
OS nerds don't generally handle procurement
themselves. Instead,
purchasing managers do, and those people don't have to face the pain.
Data sheets are only as good as they need to be to
move the product,
which means they don't need to be good at all, since the people who
pay for them look only at the advertised feature list and the price.
I think it comes down to the background of the chip designer. I've
always found NXP very good: their documentation of a chip is extensive;
it doesn't rely on referring to external source code; and they're
responsive when I've found the occasional error, both confirming the
correction and committing to its future publication.
On the other hand, TI left a bad taste. The documentation isn't good
and they rely on a forum to mop up all the problems but it's pot luck
which staffer answers and perennial problems can easily be found by a
forum search, never with a satisfactory answer.
My guess is Allwinner, maker of Paul's D1 SoC, has a language barrier
and a very fast-moving market to dissuade them from putting too much
effort into documentation. Many simpler chips from China, e.g. a JPEG
encoder, come with a couple of pages listing features and some C written
by a chip designer or copied from a rival.
In my experience, chip selection is done by technical people, not
procurement. It's too complex a task, even just choosing from those of
one supplier like NXP, as there is often a compromise to make which
affects the rest of the board design. That's where FPGAs have an
allure, but unfortunately not in low-power designs.
Cheers, Ralph.