It wasn't until this thread that I became aware
of `pr` as I've been
an `nl` user for years.
Learning of pr can also be done by reading Kernighan and Plauger's
‘Software tools’. There, it's called print and is more basic but
a variety of enhancements are listed. They then write:
When you write a program, there is a great temptation to add more
and more ‘features’ like these, little things that it will do for
you. But beware -- unless the features work together in a uniform
way, the result is going to be a grab-bag of unrelated capabilities,
most of which won't get used because nobody can remember them.
If you have to look up how to use a program for even the simplest
applications, you know you've gone too far. When in doubt, treat
‘feature’ as a pejorative. (Think of a hundred-bladed Swiss army
From memory, I think all of the significant programs written in that
book have an early Unix ancestor.
Cheers, Ralph.