On 7/5/23 4:48 PM, Dan Cross wrote:
I thought some folks here might find this interesting.
Someone else
today reminded me of tilde.town, which is a publicly accessible
machine running Linux. They have a shocking amount of use:
tilde% hostname
tilde% uname -a
Linux tilde.town 5.15.0-58-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 5 11:43:13
UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
tilde% uptime
21:38:01 up 156 days, 17:15, 454 users, load average: 3.82, 4.40, 4.19
Well I'll be. Someone is running a multi-user Unix system. That's
something I've always wanted to do or find someone doing.
Not quite a thousand users logged in simultaneously,
but half that. If
one counts the number of processes associated with pseudoterminals,
it's more (I guess a lot of users are running tmux and/or screen).
The system is also surprisingly modest: 6 cores, 16GiB
of RAM and
about 1TB of storage.
I can't yet tell if that's six logical CPUs or more. x86_64 cores
/could/ have hyper-threading et al. and more logical CPUs.
But still, six contemporary CPUs could be a lot of computing power.
16 GB of memory is nothing to sneeze at, especially for running commands
in a CLI environment. -- I'm assuming no daemons saying FEED ME RAM.
It's surprisingly zippy.
I applied for membership. I'll be interested to see if I'm granted
logon permission. :-)
Thank you for sharing Dan.
Grant. . . .