On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 12:02:28PM -0400, Noel Chiappa wrote:
From: Larry
If it really was just about his views, his views
have been consistent
for a long time and MIT didn't care.
The outrage over Epstein is so un-balanced I have a strong desire to vomit.
Not that I have any feeling at all that Epstein didn't deserve what he got. My
disgust is that Roman Polanksi, who did exactly the same thing to a 13-year
old, was defended and lionized by a long list of entertainment world figures
after his arrest in Switzerland - many of whom are now falling all over
themselves to condemn Epstein.
I'm not defending Polanksi, he clearly should be held to account, having
anything to do with a 13 year is all sorts of messed up.
I think the outrage of Epstein at MIT is more about MIT knowingly taking
money from a convicted pedophile who had a lot of rich friends, and then
trying to cover it up. It's stunningly stupid that MIT would risk their
reputation over $7.5M. That's .1% of their endowment at the time. The
people involved, in my opinion, should give the money to a worthy charity
and resign for the sake of the institution. MIT doesn't deserve these
people, they need to go.