Wesley Parish wrote in
|On 31/07/23 08:33, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
|> Grant Taylor via COFF wrote in
|> <5ec59010-d848-8adc-9872-7a4e6fb599eb(a)tnetconsulting.net>:
|>|On 7/29/23 6:26 PM, segaloco via COFF wrote:
|>|> Howdy folks, I wanted to get some thoughts and experiences with regards
|>|> to what sort of EOL handling of mainframe/mini hardware was typical.
|>|My experience disposing of things is from the late '90s and early '00s
|>|and is for much smaller things. So it may very well differ.
|> Around 1990(+ a bit) i worked during holiday for a company which
|> collected old computers, monitors etc from authorities and, well,
|> other companies. Myriads of (plastic) keyboards, cables, etc., it
|> all was thrown into containers (ie rolled down the floor, then
|> blindly thrown), all mixed up.
|I've also done a fair amount of work breaking up and down old PCs and
|Macintoshes, in the early 2000s.
|The business owner talked about getting a furnace built to render down
|the old CRTs, but it hadn't happened by the time I left that company,
|and I doubt it had happened by the time of the Chirstchurch earthquakes
|2010-2011. I do know we sent the metal cases off to the local metal
|recyclers. But what happened to the boards, I have no idea.
Yaaaaah, you know, as a native German of age by that time
i remember myriads of toxic waste affairs where that shit was
shipped to .. sheer "everywhere" (except first and second world,
of course). So this was the tip of an iceberg the contours of
which were known from many years of newspapers, magazines, good
political TV documentations etc, yet the dullness of reality
overwhelmed me. And, uh, oh, i acted conforming(ly) (very fast).
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)