On May 12, 2023, at 1:14 AM, Robert Stanford via COFF
<coff(a)tuhs.org> wrote:
I cop the same thing with my domain. That's my
surname and I was lucky to score the domain (stanford.com.au) when it became available.
I've never tried to pass it off as anything else, yet every now and then I encounter
someone who gets a bee in their bonnet over it.
I own
fsf.net. That, once upon a time, was the Flathead Software Foundry. I, obviously,
registered that domain pretty early in the grand scheme of things.
If the actual Free Software Foundation wants it (they've never asked), it's
theirs for the cost of registration. Everyone else can just eff right off. I turn down
offers for it occasionally, but none of them have come close to what I consider a
reasonable cost for my effort for migrating off of it would be.