COFF November 2019
  • 18 participants
  • 21 discussions

In memoriam: Maurice Wilkes
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

further off topic w.r.t. Unix - NTBACKUP [was Re: Someone wants to use an exabyte
by Charles H Sauer
5 years, 2 months

In memoriam: Ada Lovelace
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

EDSAC replica switched on
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

RIP Brian Kantor WB6CYT
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

WWW proposal anniversary
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

In Memoriam: Jay W. Forrester, happy birthday Gene Amdahl, and LSD
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

Happy birthday, computer mouse!
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

Re: [COFF] [TUHS] History of m6? (fwd)
by Dave Horsfall
5 years, 2 months

Re: [COFF] [TUHS] History of m6?
by Clem Cole
5 years, 2 months
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