In order to test the rate-based congestion control framework in a complex environment which might highlight problems or undesirable behaviour, it was decided to simulate the behaviour of the framework. I began initial work on a home-grown network simulator, but this work was discarded when version 4 of the REAL network simulator was obtained.
The REAL network simulator is designed for testing congestion and flow control mechanisms. It was written by S. Keshav and is copyright by the University of California, Berkeley. A description of an early version of REAL is given in [Keshav 88], and REAL was used to perform the simulations described in [Keshav 91]. REAL's author states that ``[REAL] has been installed at over 300 sites (but I have no idea how many people actually use it)''.
REAL was chosen as the network simulator to test my congestion control framework for the following reasons:
The main alternative to REAL, -sim
, was
not publically released until after substantial modifications to REAL had been
made, in order to implement my congestion framework. The latest version of REAL,
version 5, became available after all of my experimental results had been
obtained with version 4.
The REAL 4.0 user's manual describes REAL thus:
REAL is a simulator for studying the dynamic behaviour of flow and congestion control schemes in packet switch data networks. It provides users with a way of specifying such networks and to observe their behavior. Source code is provided so that interested users can modify the simulator to their own purposes.
The simulator takes as input a scenario, which is a description of network topology, protocols, workload and control parameters. It produces as output statistics such as the number of packets sent by each source of data, the queueing delay at each queueing point, the number of dropped and retransmitted packets and other similar information.
There are 11 source types, corresponding to 11 transport protocol and workload types. The sources can be categorized into one of two types: flow-controlled and non-flow-controlled data sources. Flow-controlled sources use acknowledgments and timeouts to implement a reliable transport layer functionality over a lossy network. Non-flow-controlled sources generate data from a known distribution and do not provide a reliable transport functionality; they model cross traffic.
The router implements several scheduling disciplines including:
REAL 4.0 also provides several packet dropping mechanisms in routers:
REAL 4.0 as distributed did not run on any of the platforms available within my department (mainly SPARC machines running Solaris). A slow SPARC machine running SunOS 3.5 was located in another department, and initial simulator use was on this machine.
During the course of my studies, REAL 4.0 was ported to the i386/486 platform under FreeBSD 2.x. This involved some substantial changes to the simulator, mainly to the assembly code which performs thread scheduling. At the same time, I cleaned up the code somewhat in order to reduce the number of warnings generated by the Gnu C compiler.
As well as porting REAL 4.0 to the i386/486 platform, I made further changes and additions to it in order to implement the TRUMP transport protocol and the RBCC rate-measurement algorithm. The changes required were:
Three new C files were added to the simulator in order to implement the RBCC algorithm, the TRUMP source and the TRUMP destination: router/rbcc.c, sources/trump.c and sources/trsink.c, respectively.
The simulator was also modified to include an implementation of TCP Vegas, described later in Section 8.5. REAL 4.0 with these changes has been tested on both a SunOS 3.5 machine and a FreeBSD 2.x machine. Instructions on how to obtain the modified REAL simulator are given in Appendix G.
All modifications and extensions to REAL were managed with the RCS source code control system [Tichy 87]. The results in the following chapters were obtained with the following files:
File | Version |
sources/jk_reno.c | 1.4 |
sources/ftp_vegas.c | 1.11 |
sources/sink.c | 1.3 |
sources/trump.c | 1.23 |
sources/trsink.c | 1.15 |
router/router.c | 1.19 |
router/rbcc.c | 1.53 |
REAL does not simulate all aspects of the network. For example, although packets have a size depending on their contents (data, acknowledgments etc.), no actual contents are exchanged between the source and the destination. Following this, it makes sense only to implement those parts of a protocol which can be simulated in REAL. The implementation of TRUMP in REAL concentrates mainly on the flow-control aspects of the protocol.
TRUMP is implemented as two source files in the simulator; sources/trump.c
containing the code for the source, and sources/trsink.c containing the
code for the destination. The two files contain 400 lines and 140 lines of C
code, respectively.
The TRUMP destination code is relatively trivial, but is complicated by the fact that selective acknowledgments (and their size) may or may not be chosen at run-time for each scenario simulated. The TRUMP destination code has three main modes of operation: setting up a connection, acknowledging data packets, and closing the connection down. See Section B.5 for a proper state diagram of the TRUMP receiver.
A received SETUP packet indicates the start of a connection; a special acknowledgment (SACK) packet is returned in response to this. The destination responds to any SETUP packet received with a SACK packet.
If a DATA packet is received, it must be acknowledged. If selective acknowledgments are not being used, an acknowledgment (ACK) packet is returned to the source immediately. If selective acknowledgments are being used, a selective ACK packet is built up, and transmitted if the sequence number of the newly-arrived DATA packet cannot be acknowledged in the ACK's bitmap.
A received connection TEARDOWN packet indicates that the connection is being closed, and is acknowledged with a returned TEARDOWN packet. If there is any outstanding selective ACK packet, this is also returned to the source.
With all returned packets, the source and destination address fields are swapped, the most recent Rate field from the source is copied into the Return_Rate field. The Bottle_Node field is set to identify the destination. The Desired_Rate field is set as follows:
![]() |
(3) |
where Rate is the most recent Rate value received by the destination. Finally, the Rate field in the outgoing packets is initialised to infinity.
The code for the TRUMP source is more complicated, as it must deal with handshaking and connection termination, rate-based flow control, packet retransmission, Rate Quench packets and handling of parameters provided by the scenario being simulated.
Handshaking and connection termination are performed by a simple state
machine as shown in Figure 15 (More accurate state
diagrams for the TRUMP protocol are given in Section B.5).
Initially, TRUMP performs a connection handshake by transmitting connection setup packets once a second to the destination until a special acknowledgment (SACK) packet is received. Handshaking can be disabled from the input scenario file as well. In either case, TRUMP moves to the data transmission state, transmitting data packets to the destination. When all have been acknowledged, TRUMP moves to the connection teardown state; teardown packets are transmitted once a second to the destination until a teardown packet is returned by the destination. At this point, data transmission is complete, and the TRUMP source typically stops. An input scenario parameter can request that TRUMP redo the connection after a certain amount of delay.
TRUMP's rate-based flow control is essentially controlled by the Return_Rate fields in packets from the destination. The alter_rate() function takes the Return_Rate fields in ACK and SACK packets and sets the transmission rate accordingly, ensuring that one round-trip's time passes between any rate change. Rate Quench packets lower the transmission rate immediately. Packets are admitted into the network evenly spaced by a delay calculated by Equation 4.1.
There are some cases when TRUMP's rate is not controlled by Return_Rate fields. In the connection setup and teardown states, TRUMP transmits acknowledgment-sized packets once a second, and so the transmission rate is known. When handshaking is disabled, TRUMP must begin data transmission with no appropriate rate information; a parameter from the input file sets the initial rate.
The choice of which packet to (re)transmit is performed by
get_seq_no(). Packets are kept on several queues: the outstanding
queue holds those packets which have been transmitted by have not yet been
acknowledged; the lost queue holds those packets which have been transmitted
and are known to be lost. The queues are ordered by time of transmission.
get_seq_no() selects the next packet to (re)transmit as follows:
Acknowledgment reception is handled by find_outstanding_pkts(), which removes packets from the outstanding queue, and discards them if successfully received, or moves them to the newest end of the lost queue if they were not successfully received.
In order to allow TRUMP's behaviour to be controlled from the input
network scenario file, rather than via recompilation, TRUMP accepts
many parameters from the input file. Some of these parameters are
expressed using the original REAL NetLanguage, and others are expressed
using my params modification to REAL and are parsed by
parse_opts(). The parameters accepted by TRUMP, and their influence
on TRUMP, are given below.
The implementation of RBCC consists of 630 lines of C code in the file router/rbcc.c. This file performs the operations of a router, as well as containing the RBCC algorithm.
The file is long and complicated due to the large number of operations it must perform: standard router operations, and RBCC operations. The RBCC/router code performs:
Router operations will not be discussed in detail, as most of the code was taken directly from the standard REAL router code in router/router.c. The only queueing mechanism used in the RBCC implementation is First-Come-First-Served. All of the existing REAL packet dropping mechanisms, enumerated in Section 8.1, are available.
Like TRUMP, RBCC's behaviour can be controlled from the input
network scenario file via parameters, and again some parameters are
expressed using the original REAL NetLanguage, and others are expressed
using my params modification to REAL and are parsed by
rbcc_parse_options(). The parameters accepted by RBCC are given below.
RBCC checks all setup, setup ack, data and ack packets to see if a new
flow is passing through the router. New flows cause the appropriate
ABT to be recalculated, in
add_new_conversation(). Packets which
terminate traffic flows cause them to be deleted from the ABTs, and the
affected ABTs recalculated.
As route changes may cause `lost' flows to go undetected, RBCC checks for idle
flows every 5 seconds, and flushes them from the ABT with the
flush_lru_conv() function. This is a very simplistic method to detect
lost traffic flows. As each router knows the current data rate of each flow,
it should be able to estimate the time when the next packet for the flow will
arrive. However, rate changes at the source, packet size changes, short-term
congestion, and any associated time variances will render this estimation
less accurate. The implementation of RBCC, therefore, errs on the side of
simplicity, and checks for idle flows every 5 seconds.
The implementation of RBCC in REAL caches the congestion fields from the last packet seen of each traffic flow. When a new packet arrives, fields_not_cached() determines if the cached fields match the new packet's congestion fields; if they do, the ABTs for the traffic flow do not need to be updated.
If the cached fields do not match the packet's fields, RBCC must decide if the ABTs do need to be updated. This is performed by two functions, do_forward_update_decisions() and do_reverse_update_decisions(). The decision heuristics given in Section 6.2.2 were derived from the implementation's source code. These two functions do not update the ABTs themselves; they only modify the traffic flow information in the ABTs, and indicate that an update is required.
The RBCC update algorithm, given in Section 6.2.3, is contained in
the function
recalc_rate_table(), and again the algorithm given there was
derived from the implementation's source code.
Packets may have their Rate and Bottle_Node fields updated, reflecting the sustainable rates set in the appropriate ABT. This is performed before the packet is dropped or queued by the queue_or_drop() function.
If a data packet causes a flow's rate to be lowered in a router's ABT,
a Rate Quench packet is returned to the source with the
Return Rate field set to the flow's new rate. At present, RBCC
routers forward Rate Quench packets without examining their contents,
although utilisation of the Return Rate field therein may help improve
congestion control.
Section 11.3 describes how the use of Rate Quench packets affects the congestion control of the framework.
Simulation of my proposed congestion control framework, using TRUMP and RBCC, should indicate its success or otherwise in controlling network congestion. As a reference, each network scenario simulated with TRUMP and RBCC was also simulated using both TCP Reno and TCP Vegas as the transport protocol. This should show if TRUMP and RBCC provide better congestion control than the most commonly used end-to-end window-based congestion control scheme.
As distributed, the REAL 4.0 simulator provides two versions of TCP, TCP Tahoe and TCP Reno, as described in the user's manual:
The [two TCP] sources implement TCP flow control with the window adjustment and other modifications described by V. Jacobson, M. Karels, P. Karn and C. Partridge [Jacobson 88] [Karn & Partridge 87].
As noted in Section 2.3.4, TCP Reno added Fast Recovery, TCP header prediction and delayed acks to TCP. The REAL version also faithfully implements the coarse timers from the 4.3BSD-Reno operating system implementation of TCP. TCP Reno was chosen over TCP Tahoe as a reference congestion control scheme for simulations, as the modification by Jacobson give Reno much better congestion control than Tahoe.
Since REAL 4.0 was made available, further enhancements to TCP have been proposed. Known as TCP Vegas, they are described in [Brakmo et al 94] and [Brakmo & Peterson 95], with several followup papers. The author of REAL made available an implementation of TCP Vegas for the then-unreleased REAL version 5; this implementation was written by Omar Hellal, and its use is described in [Ait-Hellal & Altman 96].
With help from Yoshifumi Nishida, Hellal's implementation was `back-ported' to REAL 4.0. The port of Hellal's TCP Vegas code to REAL 4.0 has been verified by Hellal and by comparison with the results given in [Brakmo et al 94] and [Brakmo & Peterson 95].
TCP Vegas was also chosen as a reference congestion control scheme for simulations, as some of the enhancements in Vegas are claimed to improve TCP's congestion control.
In the next chapter, I will discuss the results obtained by simulating my proposed rate-based congestion control framework on the REAL network simulator. Firstly, I wish to outline the types of results produced by the simulator, and their relevance to the detection and control of network congestion.
The types of results produced by REAL are as follows:
There are several indicators of network congestion:
The first two indicators cannot be used by themselves as congestion indicators: packet loss is caused by both network congestion and bit errors; increasing round-trip time is caused by network congestion and lower available bandwidth to the source (competing sources). Window-based transport protocols such as TCP, however, do use these as congestion indicators. The last three indicators are reliable congestion indicators.
One of the best indicators of network congestion is a router's average queue lengths for its output interfaces. If a queue has an average length (in packets) less than 1, that interface is underloaded. If a queue has an average length greater than 1, then it is receiving more packets than it can transmit, and is overloaded. A queue length of 1 indicates an optimally loaded interface. As a queue grows in length, packets suffer delays in retransmission at the router, increasing end-to-end delays and round-trip time. All queues are finite in length, and a router must drop packets when there is no space left to queue incoming packets.
Although not strictly related to network congestion, these factors show how well a transport protocol is using the resources on the network.
Packet transmission times can be used to infer instantaneous and average data rates. A source which successfully completes its transmission before an equivalent source using a different transport protocol has made better use of network resources.
End-to-end and round-trip times with high variance cause problems for protocols which use round-trip time prediction. Smooth end-to-end times are important for time-sensitive data transmission such as voice and video.
In order to measure the congestion control performance of the proposed rated-based framework, it has been implemented in the REAL network simulator. This simulator was designed to study flow and congestion control in connectionless packet-switched networks, and provides several end-to-end flow & congestion control mechanisms, as well as several router-level packet queueing and packet dropping mechanisms.
The two new functional elements of the rate-based framework, the TRUMP Transport protocol and the RBCC Sustainable Rate Measurement function, have been implemented within the REAL simulator. As well, the proposed modifications to TCP's congestion control, known as TCP Vegas, have also been implemented within the REAL simulator. The next three chapters examine the congestion control performance of the the rate-based framework, using TRUMP and RBCC, for several network scenarios. The congestion control performance of two end-to-end based systems, TCP Reno and TCP Vegas, will also be examined, and compared with the framework's performance.