

Minnie is a 386DX25 with 8M of memory, 500M of hard disk, one CD-ROM drive, and running FreeBSD-1.0. It provides anonymous ftp, the bsdnews telnet interface, several active mailers (e.g bsdmail), many mailing lists, an NNTP news client, a Html server and a DNS secondary. No user accounts are available.

Minnie first started life as a 10MHz XT running DOS/NOS, collecting Usenet news about Minix and providing a small ftp service from a 30M hard disk. For a while it was an AT before getting a bigger disk, a new motherboard and a real operating system. It ran for over a year as a 386SX33 with 4M of memory, with average uptimes of 30 days or more.

Minnie is fully funded out of my own pocket. Donations, expressions of gratitude and constructive criticisms welcome :-) Minnie is run with minimal housekeeping - I've got a Ph.D to do, and full-time lecturing. Your patience is very much appreciated.

Warren Toomey wkt@cserve.cs.adfa.oz.au, February 1994