Systems Architecture
121 Assessment
The assessment items for the subject consist of the components shown below.

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 is due at the end of week 4. It is worth 15% of your final mark. Here is Warren's answer as a Zip file.

Mid Term Exam

The mid-term exam in the week 7 lab is a 2-hour long, open book, written exam. It is worth 25% of your final mark. Here are Warren's answers to the exam.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is due at the end of week 8. It is worth 15% of your final mark. Here is Warren's answer as a Zip file.

Assignment 3

Assignment 3 is due at the end of week 12. It is worth 15% of your final mark. Here is Warren's answer as a web page.

End Term Exam

The end-term exam in week 14 is a 2 hour long, open book, written exam. It is worth 30% of your final mark. You must achieve at least 40% in this exam to pass the course. Here are Warren's answers to the exam.


Plagiarism in programming assignments is strictly unacceptable; this includes: Consult the University Handbook for more information.

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