Systems Architecture
121 Assignment 2
DUE 6pm Friday 9th March 2012, end of week 8


  1. The course rules on own work and plagiarism apply to this assignment. See the subject outline page for details. Your submission will be cross-compared to other student submissions to ensure that answers have not been shared.
  2. The due date for the assignment is a hard date. You will need to supply a good reason if an extension is required. Unless you have given me your written request for extension, and I have approved an extension (along with my signature), late submissions will not be accepted. This assignment is worth 15% of your final mark in this course.


Your answer to the assignment must be submitted electronically through the iLearn portal as a Zip or tar file containing all of the source code files: no other submission will be accepted. Instructions on how to create a Zip or tar file are given somewhere.
Please submit your Zip or tar file for the assignment through the iLearn submission area.


The C programming language is a much lower level language than Java. In Java, you get a reference to an object, but you cannot find where in memory that object is stored.
In C, you can find the actual memory location for ints, characters, arrays, strings etc. The language provides pointers, which are variables that hold the memory address of another data structure. There is a specific pointer value, NULL, which means that the pointer is not pointing at anything. In most implementations NULL is the value 0, and any access of memory location 0 will cause a program to crash.
A string in C is a sequence of bytes stored in memory starting at a specific address. C marks the end of a string with a byte whose value is 0, i.e. the 8-bit value 0x00. Confusingly, this is known as the NUL character. This means that, to find the length of a string, you need to count the number of non-NUL bytes from the beginning of the string.
The C library provides many functions that manipulate strings and memory areas. In this assignment you will implement some of these functions.

Task 1: malloc() - 2 marks

The malloc() function in C takes a single integer length as its argument and returns the first address of an unused area of memory which is length bytes long. Write a MIPS function which implements the malloc() function.
Hint: investigate the sbrk syscall. I am happy for you to implement a naive version of malloc(). A proper version of malloc() has to keep track of all the memory allocated, as well as those areas which are released by calls to the free() function. Your function does not have to keep track of allocated or released memory.

Task 2: memcpy() - 5 marks

The memcpy() function in C takes two pointers to locations in memory and an integer length argument. The function copies length bytes of data from one of the pointer locations (the source) to the other pointer location (the destination). Write a MIPS function which implements the memcpy() function.
You will be marked based on three criteria:
  1. The function works correctly and doesn't crash. No input to the function should cause it to crash. Arguments which don't make sense should be rejected.
  2. The function deals with the situation when the source region overlaps the destination region. In this situation, the contents of the source region before memcpy() starts must be copied into the destination region.

Task 3: strlen() - 4 marks

The strlen() function in C takes a pointer to a string and returns the length of the string in bytes, not including the NUL byte which terminates the string. Write a MIPS function which implements the strlen() function.
You will receive full marks if you implement a function that works correctly and which is also recursive. An implementation which is not recursive will receive fewer marks. Arguments which don't make sense should be rejected.

Task 4: strcmp() - 2 marks

The strcmp() function in C takes two pointers to two strings and returns a value that indicates if they are the same string, if the first comes before the second or if the second comes before the first. Write a MIPS function which implements the strcmp() function. Arguments which don't make sense should be rejected.

Task 5: strdup() - 2 marks

The strdup() function in C takes a pointer to an existing string and returns a pointer to a newly-allocated area of memory where the original string has been copied. Write a MIPS function which implements the strdup() function. You should use the functions that you have already written to implement this function. Arguments which don't make sense should be rejected.

Hints, Tips, Constraints

Make sure that all functions use the argument registers $a0, $a1, $a2 and $a3 to receive their arguments, and that any return value is returned in the $v0 register. Make sure that all functions have exactly the names given above.


I will use a test rig to stress test each function that you implement:
  1. Each function name is correct.
  2. Each function receives its arguments correctly and returns its value correctly.
  3. Each function works correctly when given a variety of sensible inputs.
  4. Each function deals with bad inputs correctly.
  5. No function crashes when given bad input.
You should do your own stress testing on your functions to ensure that they work as specified. I would like to see your test rig included as part of your answer.


Here is my test rig as two versions: To use the test rig, keep your code in a separate file, i.e. I want you to submit your library functions in a file by themselves.
Take my test rig, and copy/paste your library functions to the bottom. Now run it in MARS and see what it does. The program should not crash at any stage.
Here are the results when I run the test rig on my answer:
MARS 4.1  Copyright 2003-2011 Pete Sanderson and Kenneth Vollmar

Malloc 20 gives 268697600
Malloc 19 gives 268697620
Malloc 18 gives 268697640
Malloc 17 gives 268697660
Malloc 16 gives 268697680
Malloc 15 gives 268697696
Malloc 14 gives 268697712
Malloc 13 gives 268697728
Malloc 12 gives 268697744
Malloc 11 gives 268697756
Malloc 10 gives 268697768
Malloc 9 gives 268697780
Malloc 8 gives 268697792
Malloc 7 gives 268697800
Malloc 6 gives 268697808
Malloc 5 gives 268697816
Malloc 4 gives 268697824
Malloc 3 gives 268697828
Malloc 2 gives 268697832
Malloc 1 gives 268697836
Malloc 0 gives 0
Malloc -27 gives 0
Strlen strlen test string #1 is 21
Strlen  is 0
Strlen on NULL is 0
Strcmp string1 string2 gives 1
Strcmp string2 string1 gives -1
Strcmp string1 string1 gives 0
Strcmp string1 string3 gives 1
Strcmp string3 string1 gives -1
Strcmp NULL string3 gives -2
Strcmp string1 NULL gives -2
Memcpy string1 buf1 gives abcdefghijklmnopq
Memcpy string1 buf2 gives abcdefghijklmnopq
Memcpy overlap buf3 buf4 gives 0123456789abcde
Memcpy overlap buf7 into buf6 gives 0123456789
Memcpy overlap buf7 into buf6 size 0 gives 0123456789
Memcpy overlap buf7 into buf6 size -5 gives 0123456789
Strdup string1 gives abcdefghijklmnopq
Strdup string3 gives abcd
Strdup empty string gives 
Strdup NULL pointer gives 0

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.85.
On 9 Mar 2012, 10:33.