On Nov 28, 2018, at 12:08 PM, Paul Winalski <paul.winalski@gmail.com> wrote:

a version of azel was maintained all the time
i was at bell labs. we used it to predict
eclipses, transits, occultations etc. when
we first got a voice synthesizer, the day's
predictions were spoken at 5pm in case
there was anything interesting.

Was this the source or inspiration for astro(1)?  Ken’s astro was run daily to announce
things in the Unix room, and in my home up until recently to time turning on the lights in the
evening.  (My home still does the Unix-room style astro announcements, but in the morning
at 8:05).

It is available in the Plan 9 for Unix stuff (https://codeload.github.com/9fans/plan9port/zip/master)
