I think we called it troff, because that's what it was. Brian might remember if it was ever used widely with the prefix. I don't think it was, within 1127. That spelling doesn't appear anywhere in the Research Unix manuals for v8, v9, or v10.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:06 PM Ralph Corderoy <ralph@inputplus.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Rob,

> nroff: enn-roff (because it was the descendant of roff)
> troff: tee-roff

One I've wondered about for a long time is ditroff.
What was that?

    1.  die-tee-roff
    2.  dee-eye-tee-roff
    3.  ditt-roff
    4.  die-troff
    5.  Something else...

Cheers, Ralph.