I watched one he gave at a usenix conference where he sort of recapped some of the history of solaris and how oracle ruined everything and drove away all the talent. Whether he had a valid point or not, it wasn't very becoming. I don't know..it just never looks good when you air that stuff out in public.
That said, it's hard to exaggerate the brilliance of dtrace. Like a uw-madison professor said about some of the work that inspired it, it's like watching in fine detail the inner parts of an engine move while going down the highway at 60 mph.
Did anyone watch his talk? I just tried and couldn't make out what he was
talking about.
Bryan's a smart guy but a little subjective. I spent a day wandering
around San Franciso with him (we used to live within a few blocks of
each other) talking tech stuff, hardware, os, etc. He was completely
rational, smart, insightful, until we got to either sparc or solaris.
Then he was subjective as hell, he just couldn't back away from them
enough to make an objective comparison to other solutions.
Funny thing was that so long as sparc/solaris weren't the subject matter
he was very objective, could see the pros/cons of anything.
I guess he drank the Sun koolaid.
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:51:20PM +0100, Sevan / Venture37 wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk8aZv0JJuk&feature=player_detailpage#t=3493s
> "SunOS has never run on a 16bit machine"
> My response was M68000 & 386 but his counter response was they both
> supported 32bit addressing.
> Sevan
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