— coma

I happen to have a tar file from coma, one of the main V10 machines I used.  
A sample file has

UID 115
GID 20

The tar file is dated April 29 1997

The UID was doubtless “ches”.  

— research
I have another file from Oct 14, 1992, named ypsnarf.c,
UID=2009, GUD-2009

This file is probably from research (as in research!ches) and was a MIPS not running V10.
This was probably ches,ches and not helpful.

— bowell

bowell was the master source machine for V10.  A file (proxy.c, Mar  3  1993) I had tarred up from there has
UID: 1696
GID: 4


On 29Aug 2017, at 9:07 AM, arnold@skeeve.com wrote:


For a project I'm working on, I wonder if the Bell Labs alumni present
can tell me what was the default group for files for the researchers?
That is, what group did ls -l show?

In particular, in the late 90s - ~ V10 time frame.

Much thanks,
