On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 1:32 PM Warren Toomey via TUHS <
tuhs@tuhs.org> wrote:
All, thank you all for all the congratulations! I was going to pen an e-mail
to the list last night but, after a few celebratory glasses of wine, I demurred.
It still feels weird that Usenix chose me for the Flame award, given such
greats as Doug, Margo, Radia and others have previously received the
same award. In reality, the award belongs to every TUHS member who has
contributed documents, source code, tape images, anecdotes, knowledge
and wisdom, and who have given their time and energy to help others
with problems. I've been a steward of a remarkable community over three
decades and I feel honoured and humbled to receive recognition for it.
Casey told me the names of the people who nominated me. Thank you for
putting my name forward. Getting the e-mail from Casey sure was a surprise :-)
Many thanks for all your support over the years!
I was momentarily jealous of this award. Then I thought for all the time and effort I'd put in, you've done 10 over the same time. And you've been doing it 20 times as long and with more gumption than I ever put towards things. You have been doing this since PUPS which only ever heard of due to a drinking buddy Dworkin Muller...
So after a mere moment of jealousy, I realized that there is no one more deserving of this recognition and these accolades... well done Warren. Well earned.