I'm guessing this was Holmdel - they were deep into IBM stuff.

There's these 1973 videos about the Holmdel IBM computing center.

In summer of 1973, I was a high school snot attending an NSF program at Stevens Institute, but my brother Dick was a summer intern at Holmdel. I visited him and made a trek across all 6 floors of all 4 buildings and counted about 100 PDP-11 systems! (based on peeking in the always-open lab doors and looking for purple and red)  I knew nothing about UNIX at the time, so no idea how many UNIces there were.

On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 7:33 PM Henry Bent <henry.r.bent@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 14 Sept 2024 at 22:16, George Michaelson <ggm@algebras.org> wrote:
Forgive me if these predate the glory days, found them interesting 

I grew up as the son of a Bell Labs employee and knew several other adults who worked there, so I find these sorts of things really fun to see.  I wonder which location this was - I did a little bit of clicking around but the author doesn't seem to specify that anywhere.
