On 2018-Apr-27 19:57:51 +1000, Dave Horsfall <dave@horsfall.org> wrote:On this day in 1981, some little company called Xerox PARC introduced
Well, the company was Xerox. PARC was their research facility.something called a "mouse" (mostly because it has a tail), but I'm
Douglas Engelbart demonstrated the mouse in his "Mother of All Demos" on1968-Dec-09 (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY). Accordingto WP, he applied for the patent in 1967 so I'm not sure when he invented it.-- Peter Jeremy
According to
Bill English designed the first mouse in 1963 based on Engelbart’s sketches.
By 1982 we had access to a Mouse Systems’ mouse. I played with it but gave
up as it was no fun using it with a character only 80x25 screen.