Below...  I agree!!!

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Larry McVoy <> wrote:

As someone who dedicated a bunch of his life to Unix, it pains me to say
it but Linux is better than a lot of the Unix systems from back in the
day.  I loved SunOS but I wouldn't trade today's Linux for SunOS and I
don't think there are very many people who would disagree.

It got better than "good enough".

It doesn't pain me at all.   It is exactly what Prof. Christiansen says will happen... the "good enough" (but disruptive) technology is on faster growth than the "better" (but sustaining) one.   At some point that curves will cross and what was once "good enough" now starts to control the market.   That is what happened here.  Linux  is the "better" technology for some value of "better." ​

The term "disruptive technology" gets tossed around a lot, but very few people have actually read his book.  It really is an wonderful read.  He nails our business.   The point is when the tech is birthed >>new group of people<< don't care that the new technology is not as good - they value it for some other reason.  One reason is that it is always less expensive.   Plus because it is a "lessor" technology, the "market leaders" have been taught by the Harvard Business School and to ignore the lessor as a distraction (no margins, they can not compete, they don't do the same things as us... you have heard it all).   But that group of "few people" grows and the value of the lessor tech to them, out weights, the limitations and they provide the cash/incentive to make it better and it does get better.
