On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM Jon Steinhart <jon@fourwinds.com> wrote:>
Oh, sorry, wasn't meaning to be categorical there.  Main reason that it came
to mind was John's web example; many have said in the past that the UNIX
model couldn't do that until they figured out that it actually could.

I sorta lost track of what I was saying there: spawn*() would work fine in pipelines, since they involve fork-quickly-followed-by-exec.

Doug's nifty sieve example, on the other hand, would not: the Right Thing there is Go, or else goroutines in C (either libmill or its successor libdill as you prefer) since the sieve doesn't actually involve any sort of global state for which processes are relevant.  Granted, the C libraries have a little bit of x86_64 asm in them (but you are not expected to understand this).