At least as far as I can glean from manuals, there is the
"trouble" command circa UNIX/TS 4.0 which was "a front end for
the Piscataway Change Management Tracking System (CMTS)".
This was used to report issues over uucp
to Piscataway where they would then be transformed into
Modification Requests, examples of which in the form of the
request form *and* a list of 1980-1983 changes are in Sys V
literature I've scanned.
The utility would request:
- The user name
- Their location
- Phone number
- Type of request: Hardware, software,
documentation, enhancement, and unknown
- System: Product in need of support
(usually unix)
- Release (can be N/A)
- Severity: 1 - highest 4 - lowest
- Date
- Abstract/Summary
- Detailed Description
There is a note here too that unless
stated otherwise, reports may be selected for publication in the
"Mini-System Newsletter".