This is tangentially related to Unix, and came up randomly at work yesterday.
In Kernighan's Unix memoir, on page 9, he touches briefly on the typography of "Unix":
"(Multics was originally spelled MULTICS, but the lower-case version is less visually jarring; as with UNIX versus Unix and some other all-caps words, I’ll use the nicer-looking form even though it’s not historically accurate.)"
Here, he is talking about interning at MIT in 1966. bwk would certainly know better than me, but I can find no historical reference to this "MULTICS" spelling; is anyone familiar with that? The earliest reference I can find (the 1965 paper from the FJCC: uses the more "Multics" styling, but it may have been typeset later.
Alternatively, could someone send me Brian's email address?
- Dan C.