It's a bit funny (at least for me) because I was talking about DECNET as OSI standard and TCP/IP and OSI differences some days ago to the group of students of a course on network operation that I am teaching.

On the other hand I don't that book about networking. I'd like to get one copy bit I live in Spain. Shipment is not a problem but perhaps to deal with shipping procedures abroad is not what you have in mind :-)

Cordiales saludos / Best Regards / Salutations / Freundliche Grüße
Sergio Pedraja

Senior Technician in Computer Science, Systems Administration, and Information Security. MBA. Qualified occupational trainer.

El mié., 28 ago. 2019 20:24, Kurt H Maier <> escribió:
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 10:24:51AM -0700, Larry McVoy wrote:
> The great Mike Padlipski said "do you want protocols that look nice or
> protocols that work nice?" in his fantastic book Elements of Networking
> Style [*].

This book taught me as much about navigating bureaucracy and the warning
signs of impending death-by-committee as it did about networking.  I
keep a copy on my shelf at the office and annoy my staff with it
regularly.  It's also a wonderful time capsule that provides a lot of
context about how we got where we are.
