The architectural alternative to powershell-style extension has been around in various guises for a while.  In particular things like TCL and Lua are engineered to be add-on extension languages.  Integrating them just involves adding a few callouts (dispatch a “program”, scan directories in a designated “path” for programs, render internal structures into text).

This style of design has been around for a long time - all Unix shells, EMacs, many video games.

It enables an elegant approach to performance management - build it first as a script and only reimplement it as a binary if needed.

Doing this enables automation, but it does require the designers and product managers to want automation.


On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 4:39 AM Dave Horsfall <> wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jun 2024, Ed Bradford wrote:

> [...] people who know how to write stuff in PS are more expensive
> employees, and development time for asking a simple question like
>   "Show me the last 5 files read in a directory tree"

Likely a one-liner in Unix :-)

-- Dave