I have a distribution which I am pretty sure is V9, since there
is a tell-tale comment in dmesg.c:
* cheap hack
* V9 vs 9Vr2
and the '9Vr2' chimes with what Norman Wilson said in his recent
The man subdirectory is there, but I don't think it's complete;
'cmd' has a lot more in it than Norman Wilson's, but I am pretty
sure there is stuff in there that is encumbered somehow, like
'ccom'. If anyone can tell me what to remove, I shall and send
the resulting archive to Warren. Here is a listing (-F) of
'cmd' (I am using gmail and have tried to set the font to Courier
to keep the formatting for readability; apologies if it somehow
turns into a proportionally spaced font):
512restor.c dmesg.c mkfs.c shares.sh*
AllCharges.sh* dskcpy.c mknod.c showq.c
Charges.sh* du.c mkstr.c shstats.c
ac.c dump/ mm.sh* size.c
accton.c dumpcatch.c mmt.sh* sleep.c
adb/ dumpdir.c morse.c smash.c
agh.c echo.c mount.c sort.c
ar.c ed.c mt.c sp.c
arcv.c egrep/ mv.c spline.c
arff.c eqn/ ncheck.c split.c
as/ equal/ neqn/ spool/
asa.c error/ netfsbug.c stat.c
ascii.c expand.c newer.c strip/
at/ expr/ newgrp.c stty.c
awk/ factor/ news.c style/
bad144.c false.sh* nice.c su.c
basename.c fcopy.c nm.c sum.c
bc.y fgrep.c nohup.sh* swapon.c
bcd.c file.c number.c sync.c
bigcore.c find.c numdate/ tabs.c
btree/ findo.c od.c tail.c
bundle* flcopy.c passwd.sh* tape.c
byteyears.c fmt.c passwdx.c tar.c
c2/ fold.c paste.c tbl/
cal.c fsck.c pcc1/ tblmount.c
calendar/ fsplit.c pfort/ tee.c
call.c getopt.c pic/ telno.c
cat.c getty.c pico/ test.c
cb/ getuid.c pl.c time.c
cbt/ grap/ poly/ tk.c
cc.c graph/ pp/ touch.c
ccom/ grep.c pr.c tp/
cflow/ groups.c prefer/ tpr.c
cflow.sh* halt.c pret/ tr.c
cfront/ hang.c primes/ trace/
charge.c hdr/ printenv.c track.c
chdate.c head.c printf.c treesum.c
checkeq.c hideblock.c procmount.c troff/
chmod.c hoc/ prof.c tsort/
chown/ hp.c ps/ tty.c
clear/ icheck.c pstat.c twig/
clri.c id.c pti.c ucds.sh*
cmp.c idiff.c ptx.c ul/
col.c idle.c punct/ umount.c
comm.c init.c pwd.c und.c
config/ iostat.c pwintf.c unexpand.c
coreid.c ipa/ quot.c uniq.c
cp/ join.c random.c units/
cpio.c kill.c ranlib.c upas/
cpp/ labmake.c rarepl/ update.c
cref/ last.c rates.c user.c
cron.c lcomp/ readslow.c ustats.c
ct/ ld.c reboot.c v7.c
ctags.c lex/ reccp.c v8.c
cut.c lim.c refer/ vis.c
cvcrypt.c limiter.c reloc.c visi/
d202.sh* lint/ remshent.c vmstat/
daemon/ ln.c renice.c* vpr.c
date.c load/ restor.c w.c
dblbuf.c log.c rev.c wall.c
dc/ logdir.c revpag.c wc.c
dcheck.c login.c rm.c where.sh*
dd.c look.c rmdir.c which.sh*
deroff.c ls.c sa.c who.c
df.c make/ savecore.c write.c
dict/ makekey.c sdb/ wwb/
diction/ markbad.c sed/ wwv/
diff/ mc.c seq.c xargs.c
diff3/ mesg.c server/ xref/
dircmp.sh mips.c setgid.c xstr.c
dired/ mk/ setlog.c yacc/
dis.c mkbitfs.c settod/ yes.c
dkname.c mkdir.c sh/
dkstat.c mkfile sharer.c