Jonathan - awesome!
Some Princeton timing: the 360/67 arrived in 1967, but was replaced in the summer of 1969 by the 360/91.
BWK must've got started on the 7094 that preceded the 67, but since it was FORTRAN the port wasn't hard.
Now I wonder what Paul Hilfinger did and whether it was still FORTRAN.

I graduated in 1978, ROFF usage was still going strong!

On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 5:42 PM Jonathan Gray <> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 09:45:57PM +0000, segaloco via TUHS wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 1:51 PM, segaloco <> wrote:
> > Just sharing a copy of the Roff Manual that I had forgotten I scanned a little while back:
> >
> >
> >
> > This appears to be the UNIX complement to the S/360 version of the paper backed up by Doug here:
> >
> > From the best I could tell, this predates both 1973's V3 and the 1971 S/360 version of the paper, putting it somewhere prior to 1971. For instance, it is missing the .ar, .hx, .ig, .ix, .ni, .nx, .ro, .ta, and .tc requests found in V3. The .ar and .ro, and .ta requests pop up in the S/360 paper, the rest are in the V3 manpage (prior manpages don't list the request summary).
> >
> > If anyone has some authoritative date information I can update the archive description accordingly.
> >
> > Finally, this very well could be missing the last page, the Page offset, Merge patterns, and Envoi sections of Doug's paper are not reflected here, although at the very least, the .mg request is not in this paper so the Merge patterns section probably wasn't there anyway.
> >
> > - Matt G.
> Just a correction Tom Lyon pointed out, the 1971 BCPL paper is for a *GECOS*, not S/360 version, it just suggests sending the print jobs then to a S/360 machine, the roff itself is GECOS.
> - Matt G.

Kernighan's OS/360 roff is described in
"Manuscript Printing under OS/360: ROFF" and email linked from