If your system was configured with DL/KL11s or similar (CMU had it's own called 'ASLIs' - a synchronous line interfaces) each character took one interrupt for each either input or output. Moreover, the UARTS that DEC used which were made by Western Digital had 2 >>or less<< characters of input buffering, so they could drop chars[1]. The ASLI's used a later chip with a slightly better buffer IIRC but I admit I've forgotten the details (Jim Tetter probably remembers them).
So if you had a single line, the interrupt load was huge on a PDP-11. For this reason, a lot of sites limited glass TTYs to speeds like 2400 or 4800 baud, not the full 9600.
DEC later released the DZ-11 which worked on units of 8 ports per board. Unfortunately, it was not DMA and the buffering was still pretty shallow. Joy did a lot of work on 4.1BSD in the DZ driver to cut down the interrupts because 9600 baud DZ lines could swamp a vax and when running the BerkNet between systems (before UCB had ethernet), 9600 baud serial lines were standard.
[1] Two things
A) The original WD UART chip had very limited buffering. The timing was such that as high rates it could not empty accept a second character without the first being overwritten. This was a long-standing issue for many UARTs long in the 1990s. The original chip NS built and IBM used on the PC (the NS8250) was notorious for the same problem. By the time of Motorola's 6881, it had 8 characters of buffering IIRC.
B) As I understand the history, Gordon developed the original idea of the UART at DEC for the PDP-1. But I'm not sure of the patent details. He does not list the UART patent on his web site although he does mention inventing it. I have been under the impression CMU was somehow mixed up in the patent and licensing of it, i.e. WD got the license from CMU to make them not DEC; which was part of why we had the ASLI's. Again, IIRC, we got the UART chips from WD at cost and could make the ALSI's locally much cheaper than DL-11s. >>I think<< the story was that one of Gordon's student's designed a chip, which WD fabbed and licensed. Before that DEC had built UARTs on boards from transistors and later logic gates.