# get rid of the .att.com domain part of the name. # It's not used internally.
([^%!@.]+)\.att\.com!(.+) alias \1!\2
# the following must change: we don't really want these used.
att\.com!(.+) alias \1
att\.arpa!(.+) alias \1
(arpa|att-gw|gate)(\.arpa)?!(.+) alias \3
# rerouting:
local!(.+) >> /usr/spool/mail/\1
#tempo!(.+) alias research!tempo!\1
sola!(.+) alias jones!\1
# a very common mistake
.*! | "echo Bad address: '&'; exit 1"
# a problem at cunyvm.
cunyvm\.cuny\.edu!(cunyvm\.cuny\.edu)!(.+) alias \1!\2
# gateways
uucp!(.+) alias \1
mailnet!([^!]+)!(.+) alias mit-multics.arpa!\1.MAILNET!\2
acsnet!(.+) alias research!&
attmail!(.+) auth false
# attmail!(.+) alias attbl!attmail!\1
# convert @ format to ! format always (so locals can use @ format)
(.+)@([^!@]+) alias \2!_pct_!\1
# convert % format only if the first hop isn't on the internet.
([^!]+)%([^!%]+) alias \2!\1
([^!.]+)!(.+!)?_pct_!(.+)%([^!%]+) alias \1!\2\4!_pct_!\3
([^!.]+)!(.+)%([^!%]+) alias \1!\3!_pct_!\2
# get rid of our _pct_ tag
((.+)!)?_pct_!(.+) alias \1\3
# don't route through research just to get to another machine
# this MUST follow the %@ conversion
research!([^!]+)!(.+) alias \1!\2
research!([^!]+) alias inet!\1
# at this point, anything without a "." in the first component
inet!(.+) | "exec /usr/lib/upas/route.inet '\s' inet" "'\1'"
(att|coma|alice|allegra)!(.+) | "exec /usr/lib/upas/route.toatt '\s' \1" "'\2'"
([^.!]+)!(.+) | "exec /usr/lib/upas/route.toatt '\s' att" "'&'"
# Only local or Internet Domain addresses below this line.
# various semi-official domain addresses
([^!]+)\.(csnet|bitnet|acsnet|mailnet|uucp)!(.*) alias \2!\1!\3
# Domain routings - arranged with the other AT&T postmasters
sf\.att\.com!(.+) alias attunix!\1
([^!.]+)\.sf\.att\.com!(.+) alias attunix!\1!\2
([^!.]+)\.(astro|mercury|phone|div111)\.nj\.att\.com!(.+) alias \1!\2
([^!]*\.)?mis\.oh\.att\.com!.+ alias att!&
([^!]*\.)?dptg\.att\.com!.+ alias dptg!&
([^!]*\.)?garage(\.nj)?\.att\.com!.+ alias garage!&
([^!]*)\.tempo(\.nj)?\.att\.com!(.+) alias \1!\3
([^!]*\.)?homer\.nj\.att\.com!.+ alias ulysses!&
([^!]+)\.aloft\.att\.com!(.+) alias aloft!&
([^!]+)\.att\.com(\.)?!(.+) | "echo 'Unknown AT\&T domain:' '&' >\&2; exit 1"
# Ready to send Internet mail.
# carefully selected local translates
postmaster alias coma!postmaster
[^!@%]*[._]+[^!@%]* translate \
"exec /usr/lib/post/post -o '%^25name %20ema %^city, %+state ' -x -- '&'"
[^!@%]+ translate "exec translate '&'"
[^!@%]+ >> /usr/spool/mail/&