Cool, Angelo, thank you - your writeup was the only hint I'd found and I did manage to follow along and get it to run in the emulator.  Was there a source you referred to in figuring out how to do what you did?  I imagine there's an original AT&T doc out there somewhere that'd describe the whole install process for real iron.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 1:32 AM Angelo Papenhoff <> wrote:
On 17/09/18, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm hoping to run System V Release 1 on my pdp11/45, provided I can find
> a controller that'll emulate one of the few disks it supports.  I've been
> looking around trying to find the installation manual to no avail.  The
> programmers manual, user's manual and error manual are all readily
> available, but nothing about install aside from some anecdotal lines from a
> simh install.  Would anyone have a hint on where to find it or perhaps a
> real copy to lend?  Happy to scan and mail back if so.

My guide was already linked, but here again from me personally:
Hope it helps.
There's also some other guides there.
