When I studied Japanese in high school, our teacher told us mushi is bug. Bagu is a literal transliteration that may be more common in actual use, but mushi certainly means bug.

On Feb 15, 2017 08:01, "Larry McVoy" <lm@mcvoy.com> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 09:51:58AM -0500, Nemo wrote:
> Follow-up to Larry's "Mushi! Mushi!" story
> (http://minnie.tuhs.org/pipermail/tuhs/2017-February/008149.html).
> I showed this to a Japanese acquaintance, who found it hilarious for a
> different reason. He told me that a s/w bug is "bagu" -- a
> semi-transliteration -- and "mushi" is "I ignore you".  So corporate
> called, asked for status, and the technical guy said "I am going to
> ignore you!" and then hung up.

Wow, that's even better than "Bug, bug!".  Are you sure?  Someone else
said moshi was hi and mushi was bug.  Does mushi have two meanings?